MGS: Peace Walker

Looks stunning, PSP is really surprising me with it's graphical capabilities recently. Good to get another prequel, though I'm a little confused by the multiple Big Boss. Perhaps that's showing the multiplayer, I'd be disappointed to see a cloning story. The robot creature also seemed a little too advanced for the time, but hey, MGS has always been ridiculous. Seems they're really pumping some much-needed life into the PSP.
great trailer, lol'd hard at the end when the two snakes go into the same box
great trailer, lol'd hard at the end when the two snakes go into the same box


Though they didnt really show any new features and about a min of it consited of snake running but was awesome none the less. Was that a MG ray?
Was that a MG ray?
Metal Gear Ray was a Metal Gear model developed for the United States Marine Corp in Metal Gear Solid 2. It's a giant amphibious robot designed to take out other Metal Gears, specifically, Metal Gear Rex clones. The Metal Gear Rex being a giant walking robot with a rail gun capable of shooting an undetectible "stealth nuke" from any point on the globe that is the main focus of Metal Gear Solid 1. The Metal Gear Rex plans were leaked onto the interwebs and pretty much every country able to afford one was building their own version of Rex. This is why Ray was created.

I haven't actually watched the trailer, btw :P
Chronologically as riomhaire said I doubt it is ray but could be some sort of prototype for its later design like shagohod was for metal gear in general.
So, we got MPO2, no surprise there, Kojima said he wanted to make an MPO2 quite a while ago.

Also, Konami themselves stated before E3 that they would be announcing a new Metal Gear game for the PSP.

I'm so happy it's MPO2, rather than MGA3!
The Metal Gear in this one seems waaaay more useful than Rex, doesnt seem like a steady progression.

It actually flies and stuff
Weeaboo? Like wapanese? Not really. Actually I dislike almost all Japanese games and their pop culture.