MGS's main theme ripped off from someone else

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
This song was composed 33 years ago by Georgy Sviridov, a Russian Classical composer.

Fact that konami or HGW fails to mention the influence of the russian in their game credit, they are officially screwed if the russians does sue them, or maybe HWG asked to use his music....
Dammed it is, it sucks so much they did not credit him.
It doesn't sound that similar. Anyway, rock musicians steal riffs from each other all the time and don't give credit, and the original composers of those are still alive!
I imagine Gregson was inspired by it. They sound similar, but they're still two completely different pieces.
it's a blatant copy. the notes are identical they're just played for different durations, with some added and edited notes.

i dunno how much work with games Tappy has done, but maybe he didn't realize the effect that his theme would play on the game series. And he probably thought it was just a one off project of this new guy kojima.

i think now-a-days the composers realize how big game music is, so they would probably strive to be original now.
Yeah, It's definitely copied from this. Also, I was watching the movie Speed the other day and I swear some of the music from that movie at least inspired some of the MGS music, it's extremely similar.
It's not exactly same and it's normal process in soundtracks.
For example, I think some parts of Lord of the Rigs soundtrack was "riped" from Highlander...

Who cares? It's still one best themes in game music!