Michael Russell - Talks about piracy.

No, Stern posted it in the funny video thead. I don't know where he got. I wish I made it, lol.
Unfortunatly it's so true and is one big reason developers stay away for pcs. Although i must partly blame Valve i thought steam was supposted to stop 0 day releases at least. They really have to upgrade there copy protection cause it's clearly not working
I'll admit it, I have not pirated a few games in my time - but they are only games I would not buy anyway, and by companies I don't care for. I think supporting the developers is important, and I hope people like me, who don't pirate on the side to play the titles that aren't worth $50 or even $20, and support the games that deserve it.
the old school pirats are cool... but come on!!! If you wanna see the game succseed and move into sequals then you have support the developers by buying the damn game! I read once in a PSM mag that the gameing world is in bigger danger then we relize, things like buying used games, pirating games, and other suchings lose the developers money... If you buy a used copy of say... resident evil, the retailer where you got that game from gets the money, not capcom. ok went to far off topic... pirats are bad... I give Michael Russell mad mad props for trying so hard for those who ask for help... and if you do/did ask for help on a pirated game dont expect help... at all. but serioulsy... I hate getting automated emails or no response at all when I email a company for help with one of there products... this gos out you Michael Russell... keep up the good work... and dont put up with pirates.

*edit* another comment! - exuse for a pirate: " Im to poor " my respons: " well apparetnly you have a good enough PC to run the game... that set up didnt fall out of the sky... some one had to buy it with some kinda money "