micheal moore vs bill orielly


Jan 17, 2004
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if anyone's interested moore and orielly had a little debate last night and i liked it, it made me laugh and it made me think. well i thought it was a great match up, and if you don't have time on your hands this probably won't appeal to you (it's 12 mins long), but you can skip through it and all in all it's pretty interesting; http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,127236,00.html
talk about flip flopping, seems to me oreilly was all over the place in that interview. Nice read, thanks for posting
Sweet. I missed that interview. Glad I could atleast read the transcript.
To my knowledge this actually isn't even the first time...I believe he had Moore on his show once after Moore quipped that O'Rielly was afraid of him. O'Reilly pointed out that he had on several occasions invited Moore onto the show. After his appearance Moore said something about how he had totally crushed O'Reilly on his own show, prompting O'Reilly to replay the interview on his next episode to make light of the fact that neither had really done any better than the other.
Innervision961 said:
talk about flip flopping, seems to me oreilly was all over the place in that interview. Nice read, thanks for posting

O'Reilly wasn't any more all over the place than Moore was.
heh thats kind of sad, i feel sorry for moore. "would you sacrifice your children" whose children? people arent children when they join the military. o'rielly pretty much owned him, and he didnt even have to shout him down. moore couldent answer any questions and the only 'points' he made were "bush lied" which he didnt, and he attempted to go on the offensive by saying "would you sacrifice your chidlren". its garbage. the full thing is here, that clip doesnt properly do o'riellys devastation justice.
Shuzer said:
Sweet. I missed that interview. Glad I could atleast read the transcript.

you can watch the video version of the interview, didn't my link have that version also?

edit: yes it did it's on the page
Sai said:
you can watch the video version of the interview, didn't my link have that version also?
indeed it did, just watched that.

interesting stuff, after half-way it was like watching a rerun already though ;P

I like how often o'reilly blamed moore for 'dancing around the issue' when he himself did the very same.

not to mention his defense of lying.
Shuzer said:
O'Reilly wasn't any more all over the place than Moore was.
he wasn't staying on topic, say the terrorism bit, he would jump to iraq and moore would call him out.
i liked how o'rielly kinda avoided the "his children in fallujah" question by giving an answer that didn't really pertain to the question, when he said "i'd send myself" i started laughing, lol
i hate biased news stations with a passion, and i like moore; he makes me laugh (in the good way)
"MOORE: Say, “I, Bill O’Reilly, would sacrifice my child to secure Fallujah.”

O'REILLY: I’m not going to say what you say, you’re a, that’s ridiculous…"

typical, let somebody else do the dirty work
Sai said:
i liked how o'rielly kinda avoided the "his children in fallujah" question by giving an answer that didn't really pertain to the question, when he said "i'd send myself" i started laughing, lol

Why, exactly? As gh0st said, once you join the military, you're not a child. You're an adult, you made the decision to join the military. You well risk the chance to fight in wars, and yes, die. Bush didn't send anybody's children into Iraq, they sent adults who made the decision in the first place.

Sai said:
i hate biased news stations with a passion, and i like moore; he makes me laugh (in the good way)

So.. you hate CNN, NBC, CBS, every news station out there? There's NO neutral news station. In fact, I dare say Fox News is the closest to neutral, even though it's not neutral.
MOORE: OK, so he screws up September 11th. Why would you then listen to him, he says this is a “slam dunk” and your going to go to war.
Vigilante said:
MOORE: OK, so he screws up September 11th. Why would you then listen to him, he says this is a “slam dunk” and your going to go to war.

moore didnt type the transcript
CptStern said:
moore didnt type the transcript
I know..I just hate people that cannot use There Their and They're and Your and You're
Shuzer said:
Why, exactly? As gh0st said, once you join the military, you're not a child. You're an adult, you made the decision to join the military. You well risk the chance to fight in wars, and yes, die. Bush didn't send anybody's children into Iraq, they sent adults who made the decision in the first place.

you guys are splitting some insignificant hairs here ...he meant children as in "offspring" ...that was painfully obvious
Can we send both of them to Iraq and make the world a better place? I really can't stand either of them.
blahblahblah said:
Can we send both of them to Iraq and make the world a better place? I really can't stand either of them.
CptStern said:
you guys are splitting some insignificant hairs here ...he meant children as in "offspring" ...that was painfully obvious

No. Obviously they mean offspring. But the difference here is, he didn't ask "if your child was in the military, would you send them.." no, he said "would you send your child to die in Iraq?" Besides, you could use that crap argument for any war whatsoever. It's a stupid argument.

Of course people in the military are children, parents, brothers and sisters.. but does that make their commitment to their country in the first place non-justifiable? No sir.
I wouldnt have one problem with Bush if he and the administration would just say "We were wrong." about Iraq. The arrogance is the only think I dont like about Bush.
*walks into thread*

I just want to say I hate Moore.

*walks out*
Shuzer said:
Why, exactly? As gh0st said, once you join the military, you're not a child. You're an adult, you made the decision to join the military. You well risk the chance to fight in wars, and yes, die. Bush didn't send anybody's children into Iraq, they sent adults who made the decision in the first place.

So.. you hate CNN, NBC, CBS, every news station out there? There's NO neutral news station. In fact, I dare say Fox News is the closest to neutral, even though it's not neutral.

well, for one thing a lot of those adults that choose to go to iraq are very young adults that have just entered, passed, or are in colledge, thus they are still very very young, yes they are adults, and yes they can make their own decisions, but it is now a practicall fact that bush was misinformed thus giving out misinformation about why to start the war in the first place, and any young person with a strong sense of patriotism would want to server his/her country, and it is my belief that bush used that sense to convince young people to fight in his war.

and about saying that fox news is the most neutral of all news stations, you honestly have to be joking, i usually respect your sayings and opinions but this one just went of the high end for me man, i mean there are actual documentaries made to exploit the biasedness of fox news, and if you want to know about this film......http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&cf=info&id=1808583146 there's a link to its movie page on yahoo and http://tvplex.go.com/buenavista/ebertandroeper/today.html that's ebert and ropert's review on the movie, now here's a question; how biased does a news channel have to be to have a documentary made against it?

oh and about the children offspring thing that cpstern said, yea i totally agree you guys have been nitpicking on that issue
My actual point was, Fox News is no more biased than NBC or the other stations. It's just not biased on the liberal side. Which, of course, makes it evil. :| And a target. I'm not even saying I have all the facts, but from what I've seen..

Care to try to change my opinion? Show me some data why Fox News is "extremely biased," and I'll give you the thumbs :) I'm completely admitting that I had no facts to back up my statement, and I could very well be dead wrong. But, please, do show me some data so I can be enlightened.
Shuzer said:
My actual point was, Fox News is no more biased than NBC or the other stations. It's just not biased on the liberal side. Which, of course, makes it evil. :| And a target. I'm not even saying I have all the facts, but from what I've seen..

Care to try to change my opinion? Show me some data why Fox News is "extremely biased," and I'll give you the thumbs :) I'm completely admitting that I had no facts to back up my statement, and I could very well be dead wrong. But, please, do show me some data so I can be enlightened.

i'm saying that it is MORE BIASED than any news channel, i mean the entire show of the o'rielly factor is to me just one huge republican joke, i mean i remember watching an episode about an abortion on the o'reilly factor and when they were interviewing the attorney that represented the mother that aborted the child, they subtitled him as "baby killer's attorney" on tv......i have yet to see something that outrageously riculous on any other news channel other than fox news.

oh and if you hear the audio review from ebert and ropert that i linked to then you'll see that ebert atleast sides with my opinion, i mean if i've got roger ebert on my side then, hell, i must be right! ;)
Sai said:
i'm saying that it is MORE BIASED than any news channel, i mean the entire show of the o'rielly factor is to me just one huge republican joke, i mean i remember watching an episode about an abortion on the o'reilly factor and when they were interviewing the attorney that represented the mother that aborted the child, they subtitled him as "baby killer's attorney" on tv......i have yet to see something that outrageously riculous on any other news channel other than fox news.

oh and if you hear the audio review from ebert and ropert that i linked to then you'll see that ebert atleast sides with my opinion, i mean if i've got roger ebert on my side then, hell, i must be right! ;)

the o'reilly factor is a conservative talk show, its o'reillys opinion. just like hannity, or colmes, etc. its not like the factor is reporting news.
gh0st said:
the o'reilly factor is a conservative talk show, its o'reillys opinion. just like hannity, or colmes, etc. its not like the factor is reporting news.

Such are reasons why I refuse to believe Fox News is really any MORE biased than other stations (I'm agreeing with you, in case you thought I was saying otherwise). It's just, as I said, since it's conservative, it's looked on as evil, or something. Always goes that way.. makes me a sad panda (and yes, I'm aware your post wasn't directed at me, but I thought I'd chime in). ;(
conservatives are looked upon as evil just as liberals are by conservatives.

go socialists!
well, i'll respond to you kids's post in a sec, i'm gonna try to catch kerry's speech

oh, and i'm tottaly pro socialist even if it's beyond human nature
CyberSh33p said:
conservatives are looked upon as evil just as liberals are by conservatives.

True, I suppose, but the liberals are much more outspoken.
CyberSh33p said:
conservatives are looked upon as evil just as liberals are by conservatives.

go socialists!

Guess I'm evil :naughty:

Die liberals, die. :sniper:
Shuzer said:
True, I suppose, but the liberals are much more outspoken.

i think conservative media is much more outspoken. i think conservative talk show hosts literally froth at their mouth when their on the air. o'reilly was acting very good in that interview, typically he just yells the other side/person down and goes to a commercial break.

liberal society i think though is much more outspoken than conservative.
gh0st said:
i think conservative media is much more outspoken. i think conservative talk show hosts literally froth at their mouth when their on the air. o'reilly was acting very good in that interview, typically he just yells the other side/person down and goes to a commercial break.

liberal society i think though is much more outspoken than conservative.

That's really what I meant.. but I suck and can't put together a proper coherent sentence :(
Shuzer said:
No. Obviously they mean offspring. But the difference here is, he didn't ask "if your child was in the military, would you send them.." no, he said "would you send your child to die in Iraq?" Besides, you could use that crap argument for any war whatsoever. It's a stupid argument.

Of course people in the military are children, parents, brothers and sisters.. but does that make their commitment to their country in the first place non-justifiable? No sir.

you've missed the point entirely. Moore is asking O'Reilly if he truely believed in the motivations to go to war that he would send (allow) his (presumably adult) children to fight in iraq.
Moore is trying to get the point across that it's not right that hundereds of people have died in Iraq for a reason thats turned out to be untrue. O'Reilly is trying to justify their being there by saying that they removed an evil dictator (which is true), but that's not the reason they went.

And by saying children, Moore is basically calling out what the war is all about. Is it so important that if it came down to sending your OWN flesh and blood to go and die for the cause Bush has layed out, would you?
$pazmatazz said:
Moore is trying to get the point across that it's not right that hundereds of people have died in Iraq for a reason thats turned out to be untrue. O'Reilly is trying to justify their being there by saying that they removed an evil dictator (which is true), but that's not the reason they went.

And by saying children, Moore is basically calling out what the war is all about. Is it so important that if it came down to sending your OWN flesh and blood to go and die for the cause Bush has layed out, would you?

I could see it now..if bush didnt send soldiers to Iraq and take Saddam out of power and the US had a major terrorist attack I can see all the Liberals crying and bi*ching bush didnt do anything about Saddam.
All of you are still missing the point. We have the 9/11 report excusing Bush from any blame. We also have evidence (from 3 different sources) that Bush thought Iraq had WMD, and he was told those sources were accurate. Does that excuse Bush from his choices? No, but Moore needs to stop calling Bush a liar on this subject.