Mickey Mouse: Satan's Soldier


Mar 16, 2007
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Sheikh Muhammad Munajid claimed the mouse is "one of Satan's soldiers" and makes everything it touches impure.
But he warned that depictions of the creature in cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, and Disney's Mickey Mouse, had taught children that it was in fact loveable.
The cleric, a former diplomat at the Saudi embassy in Washington DC, said that under Sharia, both household mice and their cartoon counterparts must be killed.
Mr Munajid was asked to give Islam's teaching on mice during a religious affairs programme broadcast on al-Majd TV, an Arab television network.
According to a translation prepared by the Middle East Media Research Institute, an American press monitoring service, he said: "The mouse is one of Satan's soldiers and is steered by him.
"If a mouse falls into a pot of food ? if the food is solid, you should chuck out the mouse and the food touching it, and if it is liquid ? you should chuck out the whole thing, because the mouse is impure.
"According to Islamic law, the mouse is a repulsive, corrupting creature. How do you think children view mice today ? after Tom and Jerry?

and speaking of more mice characters in the middle east

Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' killed off


Israeli critics had said the show was outrageous and some Palestinian ministers tried to get it shelved.

In the final broadcast an actor said to be an Israeli agent tries to buy the land of the squeaky-voiced Mickey Mouse lookalike.

Farfur brands the Israeli a "terrorist" and is beaten to death.

He was killed "by the killers of children", Saraa says.


Hamas Uses Mickey Mouse Look-Alike to Teach Terror to Kids on TV

yes we've covered satan mickey before but the article is recent
Mickey house of mouse
good times


Mickey mouse terrorist
bad times
Yeah, putting the word SEX in The Lion King.. damn them hellspawn.

I was more referring to their sweat shops and support of stronger enforcement of intellectual property but hey making a sweeping generalization is much easier.
I have to give it to them that Disney is pretty dang evil.
I never would have suspected that you weren't being sarcastic.

Cornerstone said:
I was more referring to their sweat shops and support of stronger enforcement of intellectual property but hey making a sweeping generalization is much easier.
You know the stuff you bought that says 'made in china' is likely made by children in Chinese sweatshops right?

No, you're right, not wanting people to steal their property? Well that's just pure evil. (sarcasm)
To be fair and honest, on the internet I'm never fully serious but ethically I can't help but to find any sweat shop on the exceedingly wrong side and yes I know most everything is that way but the majority should never be the one to set your values. Yes, being able to hold an intellectual property from the public domain is an issue which keeps the reproduction of a lot of information from being readily available.
Alright, fair enough, well, I was thinking how ridiculous my life has become where I'm arguing about whether Disney is evil or not. I really expected you to post some sensationalist articles showing Disney workers in some kind of Deathtrap Dungeon.

Admittedly, I wasn't aware. I assume that's in the past if it's been exposed.
"kill Mickey mouse"? :LOL: wtf?
The guy is such a ****ing retard, mice are "impure" in Islam as in you can't eat them, or if they get in your food you shouldn't eat the food. Impure like you can't eat pig or dog meat, but don't watch Porky Pig cause pigs are impure? that's ****ed up. tbh, extremists in every religion are the ones most harming that religion, reminds me of the man who said "driving a mercedes or bmw would make you go to hell"..

this, my fellow hl2.neters, is why the holy Qoran clearly states "keep away from those who get lost in our words"..
Alright, fair enough, well, I was thinking how ridiculous my life has become where I'm arguing about whether Disney is evil or not. I really expected you to post some sensationalist articles showing Disney workers in some kind of Deathtrap Dungeon.

Admittedly, I wasn't aware. I assume that's in the past if it's been exposed.

Haha good point and no, I'm not a conspiracy guy. Although conspiracies do make a great read. Anyways it's really hard to link Disney and the Fighting Fantasy universe together anyways.

Sigh. You know what, just... nevermind. I'm getting tired of religion threads.