Microsoft Announces Surface Computer

I'm not interested in this type of thing.

It will just be an overly expensive dust collector in the end. If it cost $100 then yes, but it'll end up costing $2000, and only does things we can already do well enough already.
The thread title got cut off in my window; I thought it was going to say "Microsoft Announces Surface-to-Air Missile".

Cool deal though.
Love to have a pc like that, love the natural intuitive way you do stuff.
completley, utterly stolen from apple :|

But I guess thats what microsoft does best.

EDIT: here is the site.

In a way, I like this better than apple's system because microsoft is just so damn powerful, it can put this everywhere. This is really a field that I haven't thought about before, but it could potentially revolutionize public computing (mind you, I don't see this as a viable alternative to a PC, but it will do wonders for public places and family rooms.
Its amazing this tech has been around for some time, its only when Microsoft licenses it (or perhaps not: lawsuit) that everybody hypes about it.

I didn't think apple conceived the technology, I thought they were just a licensee

btw, that table is a tonkertoy compared to some of the stuff I have seen as a networking student :p
That would last about 10 seconds in my room before being covered in dr. pepper cans like every other surface in here.

Still, it would be kind of neat in bars and resturaunts I guess. I could kind of see how you would use it for buisness but if you have a large meeting, which you usually do, no one is going to be able to see or touch the one horizontal surface. Unless the idea is that everyone has their own 5k surface... its just impractical.
The delay still seems pretty bad, especially while 'drawing', cool idea but seems rather useless when on a table like surface like that.

putting the photos on things was really cool, if not kind of silly and extravagant

What if somebody haxt your home surface computer and put Goatse on your living room wall D:
For the most part, it seems flashy and entertaining but ultimately useless technology. I guess the only advance here is the sensor pad?

"Imagaine being able to make a playlist with your favority songs, view photos and view a map...with the push of a finger!!!!"


"That's it"

I can do that already...its callled a ****ing mouse.

"Imagine, not having to wait 2 whole mintues to order a drink at a restaurant!!!!!"
For the most part, it seems flashy and entertaining but ultimately useless technology. I guess the only advance here is the sensor pad?

"Imagaine being able to make a playlist with your favority songs, view photos and view a map...with the push of a finger!!!!"


"That's it"

I can do that already...its callled a ****ing mouse.

"Imagine, not having to wait 2 whole mintues to order a drink at a restaurant!!!!!"

1.Multitouch sensing. Previous touch screens could only register one touch at a time. This is immensely useful for the technology and opens up a whole no array of applications.

2. seemless bluetooth and wireless control, also scanning of credit cards. zero-interface transfer of files. Interaction with outside objects in a seemless fasion.

This is not a useless technology. It is a revolution in public computing. It will completley and fundamentally change the way we interact with our electronic products. Imagine a table like this in the family room of every house, at every resturaunt, hotel lobbies, meeting rooms, cashier tables, casinos, the military applications, the gaming applications. Imagine multitouch displays on the walls, large transparent multitouch displays ala minority report.

I'm sorry, but I think this is the future of all applications that require more than one person to work on it, and displays like this with operating systems similar will utterly define the future of interactive displays.
Typing would be weird. I'd rather have a material keyboard rather than plugging a flat surface.
For the most part, it seems flashy and entertaining but ultimately useless technology. I guess the only advance here is the sensor pad?

"Imagaine being able to make a playlist with your favority songs, view photos and view a map...with the push of a finger!!!!"


"That's it"

I can do that already...its callled a ****ing mouse.

"Imagine, not having to wait 2 whole mintues to order a drink at a restaurant!!!!!"

So you think we'll be using the rather limited mouse + keyboard setup until the end of time? Narrow minded.

And this isn't "stolen" from Apple, the same guy (Jefferson Han) in the video also did the "Apple" videos. Both companies just have a license or something to use the tech.
Pretty cool. That shot where they showed one guy using it on a wall mount was very cool. Definitely useful for the military, businesses and stuff. For homes it would need to be some sort of network hub where all PCs in the house are linked to it to make it useful imo.
Minority Report anyone?
It was sorta like that in The Island too, except with a pyramid type thing.

looks cool
Anyone remember seeing a guy with one of these on Dragons Den a fair while ago? Can't remember if it was touch screen or not but the dragons virtually laughed the guy off stage. Possibly correct to though because only MS/Apple have the brand name to back it up.

Theotherguy - The multitouch stuff is pretty cool, have you seen the Lemur before? It's basically an ultra-customisable MIDI (and more) controller using this tech. Do a youtube search for it, but I forget who makes it.
It is a revolution in public computing. It will completley and fundamentally change the way we interact with our electronic products.
LOL. Bullshit. There's a 100 of these types of things around. Just because it's from Microsoft people are creaming themseleves over it.
Would be one kickass interface for a giant synthesizer, mixer, drum machine, etc.

End War anyone?

Anyways, it's really cool stuff. I've been to Microsoft's E-Home last year (which is basically Microsoft's ideal home of the future that they remodel every 6 months to keep current) and they had something similar on display there in the kitchen. It will be interesting if MS can build the ecosystem around the device, but it will be pretty tough.

Also, I could imagine this being an RTS gamers dream (as seen in above trailer).
LOL. Bullshit. There's a 100 of these types of things around. Just because it's from Microsoft people are creaming themseleves over it.

No, don't you see? That is precisely why it will be revolutionary. That is prescisely why we should be hyped over it now, rather than before. It was just an obscure product or research item before, but now it is in the hands of the behemoth, Microsoft. It is the only company I can think of that would be able to immerse the market with a particular product quickly and efficientley, they simply have enough resources and public image to do it. It's not the technology that is exciting, it is the idea that microsoft is supporting it.
Yeah that thing is pretty cool but I'm talking about a huge-screen softsynth full of shit to easily tweak and play right on the screen.
the only thing that really interest of this thing is to draw digitally in that thing,so instead of using scanners or that especials tablet,you just use a rubber pencil and nothing else
...Surface-to-air missile computers!
Pretty much an upgrade for touchscreens, since it means they don't need an OSD anymore.
I don't see it replacing the keyboard + mouse for home use.