Microsoft anti spy/adware

Yeah I got this yesterday. Very satisfied. Microsoft has been owning pretty hard lately.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah I got this yesterday. Very satisfied. Microsoft has been owning pretty hard lately.
Except at CES. :LOL:
Trying it now.

EDIT: Wow! Fast, effective, powerfull, sexy... recommended to everyone!
I got the software downloaded and I am impressed its easy to use and that is always a plus in my books. (how hard can clicking scan now be though :p )

Very simple interface which I like also.

It found 3 spywares that adaware and spybot didnt find so props to microsoft.

I also like that I can view all the infected locations in the registry rather then having to do it manually.
CES was hilarious, but this program is awesome. Off Topic: Who have seen clips from the CES? The BSOD on the Xbox, that thing with Conan not working... I died laughing. Bill Gates was so pissed off.
Oxygenetic said:
CES was hilarious, but this program is awesome. Off Topic: Who have seen clips from the CES? The BSOD on the Xbox, that thing with Conan not working... I died laughing. Bill Gates was so pissed off.
Im looking for the video but cant find it do you have a link?
XD I ran it and my PF usage went to 1.12 megs...
I only have 512 megs of ram...
Then it froze.
This thing shows a lot and I mean A LOT of false positives. I got 7 hits on my pc and 6 of these were total bullshit. Stuff like an extension registry key for .b3d used by irfanview image viewer got detected as some kind of ad-spawning piece of evil. A regkey used by shareaza (which is open-source and spywareless) was detected as "Grokster" (an adware bundling p2p client).

Frankly this thing isn't any better than spybot/adaware. Sure it reports more, but none of it is spyware (in my situation anyway). I'll leave it installed for the occasional laugh of what it picks up as spyware this time around. Perhaps explorer.exe :p
ya it may pick up somethings that arent spyware but it will say why type of risk they are and recomend whether you should delete them. Microsoft is probably taking the stance that its better to be safe then sorry.
A regkey used by shareaza (which is open-source and spywareless) was detected as "Grokster" (an adware bundling p2p client).
It detected that on mine as well. But why would the program lie about finding that related to Shareaza? Dont automatically assume that just because they say that it's spy/adware free that it really is. Plenty of p2p clients say that they don't contain spyware/adware and they actually do.
I guess Shareza is the lier here.
I use Adaware, I am satisfied with it so I feel that I do not need to change :)
Oxygenetic said:
CES was hilarious, but this program is awesome. Off Topic: Who have seen clips from the CES? The BSOD on the Xbox, that thing with Conan not working... I died laughing. Bill Gates was so pissed off.

Where can i see these clips.
It does find a lot of spyware, funny thing is, all from my IE days, 0 since I started using Firefox :D
How 'bout fixing the source of these problems first MS?
The source, being spam companies/people .. that's a little hard to fix.
Got this prog lastnight sometime ... it's great, even found a dormant backdoor trojan in a mIRC dll I had, that the other progs (spybot/adaware/mcafee virusscan) ignored completely.

Well done microsoft.
:naughty: Pretty good. It found 4 instances of spyware that Spyware-blaster or Ad-aware wouldn't probably have found at all.
Well, it finds 5 spyware programs that I'm pretty sure are actual spyware, then crashes and gives me the blue screen of death. I'm windows xp home. Dunno what the hell the problem is.
Oh yay! Microsoft is providing a tool to get rid of the spyware they allowed onto our computers! w00t!
I ran it, deleted the spyware, and can no longer use the Windows Xp firewall :(.
destrukt said:
The source, being spam companies/people .. that's a little hard to fix.

What I mean is, fixing the browser so it doesn't allow all this crap to come through. Like I said, all spyware it found were from my IE days.
MiccyNarc said:
Oh yay! Microsoft is providing a tool to get rid of the spyware they allowed onto our computers! w00t!

lol, give em a break will ya. Its not like they meant to let it onto the computer in the first place. :p And at least we have the tool now. :)
PvtRyan said:
What I mean is, fixing the browser so it doesn't allow all this crap to come through. Like I said, all spyware it found were from my IE days.

Thats probably because the spyware/adware makers target internet explorers loopholes because it is by far the most commonly used browser.

Look at me, the only forumtie in existance to defend microsoft I reckon! :p
it so much better than other things. it can do everything norton antivirus can't.
Wow. Great program. Kudos to Microsoft. It detected loads of files that were infected that neither Ad-Aware nor Spybot: Search and Destroy picked up.
Indeed, would be pretty damn cool if it worked for me.

If it helps at all, when I get the blue screen...says something along the lines of dumping physical memmory. Then the comp reboots.
Haha, looks like someone at Microsoft made a typo! :LOL:

Never seen Microsoft do that before.
Wow, that program is so LITE. I have a million browser windows open and I can barely notice it slowing my system at all in the background.

It'd be good if you could choose to delete individual registry entries after you've clicked the + button. Also, it needs a horizontal scrollbar so you can read some of the registries.
hmm...i dunno about this program.
i mean i am sure it detects whatever pple here are claiming but im thinking that this MS program will be one of the firsts to be targeted some time in the near future mainly since its an MS program and we know how the general public flocks to purchase MS products.

anyway...yeah i'll just stick to other programs...i get enough head aches from MS products already, don't want another.