Microsoft confirms IPTV for 360


Jul 6, 2003
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LAS VEGAS--While the Xbox 360 is just over a year old, Microsoft has already added a number of capabilities to the system. Since the system's November 2005 launch, Microsoft has introduced the ability to purchase and download movies and TV shows, to output a signal in 1080p resolution, and to play HD-DVDs with the purchase of an external disc drive. Now the company's adding another feature to the system, as it used its signature CES keynote address--featuring company founder Bill Gates--to announce the addition of IPTV functionality to the Xbox 360.

Slated to be available by the 2007 holiday season, IPTV on Xbox 360 will allow owners to use their game system as a digital video recorder, with some integrated features of both. For instance, users can play games online while recording TV programs in the background, or watch a TV program while chatting with someone from their friends list. Microsoft also touted picture-in-picture channel browsing, movies and videos on demand, and program searches by actor or director as features of the system.

Robbie Bach, head of the Entertainment divison at Microsoft, stated the IPTV service will launch with five partners, including AT&T, British Telecom, Deutsch Telecom, and Swiss Telecom, and that 11 other telcos are "in trial or evaluation."

Yankee Group Program Manager Michael Goodman, a senior analyst at the research firm who oversees all digital entertainment coverage, said the announcement confirms the Xbox 360 as an "entertainment device," not just a game machine, and bridges the TV/PC divide, something Microsoft has long sought to do. "This is their nirvana," Goodman told GameSpot. "They've been trying to get into the living room for years, and what's their first success? Xbox."

Still, there's much work ahead to build demand fo IPTV. "I don't see consumers demanding an integrated solution." Goodman sees the need for evangelizing ahead. "Microsoft has lots of consumer education and marketing to do" to bring consumers up to speed on what IPTV can deliver. "It's not an experience consumers are used to."

As for how gamers will get their hands on these capabilities, the IPTV on Xbox 360 service "will be offered by providers that are deploying TV services based on the Microsoft TV IPTV Edition software platform."

As for the Xbox 360 as it currently exists, Bach dished out the latest sales figures on the system during the Gates keynote. According to Bach, Microsoft sold a total of 10.4 million consoles through the most recent holiday season in 37 countries, with the majority of customers being new to the Xbox platform. On top of that, Microsoft now touts an Xbox Live member base 5 million strong, with more than 100 million pieces of content downloaded for the Xbox 360.

As for games, Bach touted the Xbox 360's current library of 160 titles, saying that number would double by the end of 2007. Gears of War earned a specific shout-out, as Bach said it had reached sales of 2.7 million copies in seven weeks at retail, going so far as to call it "a Halo-like franchise" and an "evergreen property" that drives hardware sales.

While Bach didn't give concrete numbers on the Xbox 360's HD-DVD player add-on, he did say that demand for the expansion was "incredibly high," and that the player is consistently selling out.

Here is some info about Microsoft TV : IPTV Edition;title;1
Really tempted to splash out on a HD-DVD drive at some point.

Though I'm worried about world wide launch specs. IE I think it'll be US only for the life of the console.

Shame really.
Do any of you with 360s really care about IPTV? Bring on the great games and let the entertainment be handlded by other more capable devices!!!
Sucks trying to read that in italics...
I've not touched my 360 since I got my Wii. Sad but true. Guess I just need a good new game for my 360. Forza2 and GTAIV please!
Actually as I have a TV capable of 1080p picture, and watch a lot of films, yeah I would be interested in this system.

We use the 360 to watch a lot of DVD's as it's scale up is super.