Microsoft Poland doesnt like black people


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
If you look at Microsoft's Poland business solutions Web site, you will probably not notice anything odd about the main picture. However, when you compare it with the original English version, you can see that someone decided that showing black people in Poland is probably not going to be convincing to business. They just Photoshopped the head of a white guy in for the black one, in an amateurish way, leaving his hand unchanged


click to view comparison pics:
Lol, busted.

Maybe they just wanted a handsome polish man who still likes to party.
i ****ing lol'd
I mean, you know, talk about awkward moment, but it's not any different than putting Chinese people in an advertisement targeted at China.
they didnt photoshop the asian dude in the pic
You misunderstand me. I was using a different example of the same situation.
I know but I'm saying that only the black guy was taken out, the asian guy is "ok"
Who says that Microsoft US didn't photoshop the black guy in there?!? HMMM!?
Well, if you are going to replace 2 of 3 people in a picture, I think it's time to consider just taking another photo.
black guy < white guy with no neck...apparently
I think they should have had an ant there in the beginning.
Who says that Microsoft US didn't photoshop the black guy in there?!? HMMM!?
Well that's just ridiculous. Who would voluntarily put a black man INTO a photo?

Also Barnz wins. Stop the thread.
Where's Gordon Freeman, he must need IT solutions for his suit from time to time
I lol'd.

To be fair, the black guy doesn't really 'fit' in the depicted scenario in Poland, where there is a really small percentage of black people. On the other hand, I don't think I've ever seen an Asian in a corporate scenario here either.

Yes, taking a new photo would be the best course of action.
I know but I'm saying that only the black guy was taken out, the asian guy is "ok"

I think what Virus is getting at is that an advertisement targeted at a predominantly white male group without a white male in the advertisement imagery may have less impact on said target group.

Its a shoddy photo shop and they woulda probably been better off simply having a different picture taken by themselves with all that very PC business meeting vibe going down but yeah.

Probably not as blatant as "oh hai yall we here in polak land hate blackies, lulz".

**** yeah we are.

Dude shut up, your whiter then me and I'm Scottish/German. :p
I lol'd.

To be fair, the black guy doesn't really 'fit' in the depicted scenario in Poland, where there is a really small percentage of black people. On the other hand, I don't think I've ever seen an Asian in a corporate scenario here either.

Yes, taking a new photo would be the best course of action.

I run into asians continuously here in Pozna?. Must be the University.
and by "girlfriend" he means not some poor exchange student you [strike]stalked[/strike] met online
and by "girlfriend" he means not some poor exchange student you [strike]stalked[/strike] met online

I think at this point the important thing is Vegeta gets some action, since you HL2 Ameri-dolts have utterly failed at your assigned task of taking him on a bar crawl.
I think he's barely in his teens. cant drink till he's 21 in puritanical america