Microsoft wants to win over alternate browser users.


IE8 failed in Acid3. Yeah Microsoft.
Do Microsoft even know the meaning of the word secure. I remember so many times when exploits have been found in both Firefox and IE, and Mozilla fixed it within a couple of days yet M$ either denies it's their fault or wait till next month to release a patch. I don't see what M$ could do to persuade me to ever go back to that piece of trash.
My iPhone got a 74 on that acid3 thing. I'd never heard of that site before now...
So does Google Chrome, do you think anyone really gives a shit?

Yeah, which is why I still use FF over Chrome, Opera, or IE. But in IE's case especially, compatibility is a big deal. All browsers display things slightly differently and it's always IE that's the stupid bitch that can't figure it out.
Great, a test designed so that Firefox gets a 100%. Good for it.

Unless I see actual compatibility problems that matter to me, I don't really care. Same goes for most of the general internet public.
Great, a test designed so that Firefox gets a 100%. Good for it.

Unless I see actual compatibility problems that matter to me, I don't really care. Same goes for most of the general internet public.

No offense but I love how people that know absolutely nothing about something always have to throw their 2 cents in.

There are plenty of compatibility issues because IE fails to follow proper standards. The reason you don't see those compatibility issues is because you don't develop web pages.
I still use IE, but that's because I moved to a new computer and I'm too much of a lazy bitch to download FF.(although I might do that today or tomorrow)
Do Microsoft even know the meaning of the word secure. I remember so many times when exploits have been found in both Firefox and IE, and Mozilla fixed it within a couple of days yet M$ either denies it's their fault or wait till next month to release a patch. I don't see what M$ could do to persuade me to ever go back to that piece of trash.

Yeah, well, at least they don't think it's still edgy to write MS as "M$".

Anyway, IE is secure enough, there's really nothing inherently insecure about IE any more.

Great, a test designed so that Firefox gets a 100%. Good for it.

Unless I see actual compatibility problems that matter to me, I don't really care. Same goes for most of the general internet public.

You notice, you just don't notice that you notice. Web developers have to spend time to fix stuff for IE (mostly IE6, but IE7 has some dumb shit too) and any time spent doing something that shouldn't be necessary is time spent not making the product better. Hence, the world would be a better place without IE.
No offense but I love how people that know absolutely nothing about something always have to throw their 2 cents in.

There are plenty of compatibility issues because IE fails to follow proper standards. The reason you don't see those compatibility issues is because you don't develop web pages.

I love people that don't read my posts.

Are most people who use the internet web developers?
IE8 passes Acid2 though, so that's good.

Honestly, the only thing I care about is that IE6 dies a quick death. I hope businesses finally have the balls to not optimize for IE6 any more. Doesn't it work? Upgrade!
I use all IE, Firefox, and Google Chrome. IE for the Korean sites that require IE (FF is incompatible with most Active X used by Korean sites), FF for my privacy (not a good idea to share browsers w/ family), and Google Chrome, just for the heck of it. GC is too slow for my liking, though. IE is fine, and a bit faster than FF without the problems that FF causes. FF, however, is easier to use.
All I know is that a browser would have to be pretty bloody good to drag me kicking and screaming away from Firefox. The setup I have is close to perfection (for me at least).
Yeah, unless IE8 plugs into my brain and lets me browse the internet using only my thoughts, I've pretty much got FF to function exactly as I need it to.
If I had to count the number of times I'd cursed IE 6 (and 7) because it did some stupid shit that every other browser was able to handle correctly, I'd

at Dan.CountNumberOfTimesIEDidSomethingStupid()
at Dan.CountTheWaysIHateIE()
at Dan.SeriouslyIEWTF()
at Dan.Oh****WhatIsIEDoingNow()
It annoys the shit out of me when things open by default in IE on my computer
I love people that don't read my posts.

Are most people who use the internet web developers?

That's not the point. The point is the quality of web pages suffer because web developers have to hack their designs to work for IE. So you see this every day and therefore should care, the fact you don't notice it (because you don't develop web pages) has nothing to do with this.

This test is not some conspiracy to make firefox look good as you implied, this is a test to make sure that web browsers follo proper standards. And I'm usually the first person to jump in to defend M$ and I actually use IE7 as my browser.
That's not the point. The point is the quality of web pages suffer because web developers have to hack their designs to work for IE. So you see this every day and therefore should care, the fact you don't notice it (because you don't develop web pages) has nothing to do with this.

I'd like to add the point that hacking to make something that works for all other browsers work for IE6/7 also takes a lot of extra time because there aren't any tools like FireBug that make doing things like that easy. Well, there are, but they're infuriatingly inferior.
Anyway, IE is secure enough, there's really nothing inherently insecure about IE any more.
Did they ever fix all those "back door" security issues with the active X and javascript controls? Probably not. :|
Run a spyware check, I'm sure you've got something nasty on your PC from just using IE to type that post of yours atm.

After all, it was Micrcosoft themselves even who promoted/excused the use of certain spywares for their Windows Defender, but that's a different topic altogether.

Seriously, Win XP is the only product Microsoft has ever actually done right. Their browsers suck, security software sucks, videogame hardware sucks,.........

*rant rant rant*
Seriously, Win XP is the only product Microsoft has ever actually done right. Their browsers suck, security software sucks, videogame hardware sucks,.........

*rant rant rant*

3.0, 3.1, 98, Vista, MS Office 2003/2007 and of course Calculator!