Middle Easternish FPS?


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
I'm just thinking about how it would be to have a kind of Middle Easternish shooter. Like combining CS:S weapons with Call of Duty gameplay. Maybe a tour de Middle East in single player mode being part of various armies and such, doing various missions like assasinating some insurgent leader or something. Maybe I'm in over my head?:rolling:
You mean that YOUR the middle-eastern person?


Seriously, that'd be awesome, because I'm sick of playing as "the good guys" (US, Soviet Union, etc...) Stealth would be really cool.

It'll never happen, though, there'd be to much controversy in the states...
I think what he means is. In the middle east there are many different groups. Groups that want power over one another. So it wouldn't be like maybe showing conflicts between these groups and not so much the rest of the world.
Not necessarily a terrorist (maybe...) but rather anyone against them, or maybe just groups and their qurrels (as there are more than one fights going on in the ME) although it being controversial shouldn't stop too many from playing it :E
It doesn't matter, with the stupid US politicians bitching about games as it is, the second your allowed to play as a middle-easterner, they'll go nuts..
I'd like to play as one of 345834580345 extremeist groups in the middle-east in a n FPS actually.
Well if things in the ME calm down, maybe in a good few years games could come out, kinda like WW2, except not as long of a wait.
I remember Metal Gear Solid(Or maybe it was Metal Gear Solid 2?) was supposed to be set in the Middle East but had to change setting because it was considered too 'sensitive' at the time.:)
It doesn't matter, with the stupid US politicians bitching about games as it is, the second your allowed to play as a middle-easterner, they'll go nuts..
We got a system of checks and balances for a reason. Courts hold up freedom of speech and that would allow for this game.
Speaking of terrorists, I'd like to play a game where you're a "terrorist." Any background would be suitable, as long as it was done well and accurately.
The other Call of Duty apart from number 3 is supposed to be set in modern times.
Insurgencey mod is probably the one game that comes closest to that description. Atleast it's seems heavily influenced by the war in the middle east, generally.