Mind boggingly awesome new "Dark Messiah" Videos

omg. asjdfk, that looks so fun. the combat is exactly how i wanted combat in 3d RPGs to be like. i hate having to wait for this title :(
wow id never seen this game before. ERECTION.
a suitable successor to those wonderful Might and Magic games of old... good ol' 3DO.
CptStern... you just had to make me recycle this image... didn't you?

Elder Scrolls IV might kill my comp/video card, so i think this would make a sweet alternative.... I am definitely looking forward to this game :thumbs:
wow :)

It keeps getting better and better.
Finally a fantasy action game that seems to be good, I love fantasy but there are to few action in games that are fantasy.

The best fantasy action game I have played yet: Crusaders of might and magic
The first thing I thought was...BLOOD!!! The second thing I thought was..cool fighting system, and physics...I hope they release a demo of it.
Omfg they are using my mod combat ideas! Awesome. We'll finally be able to see how we can do swords and magic casting for our mod (looks like they even use our Secondary attack idea).

I want to play it... not only for fun but also to learn...
omfg that looked awesome, i just clicked this thread outta boredom tbh but wow, never heard of this game either, dont really pay too much attention to rpgs and fantasy games but that looked great....