Minecraft Beta 1.2


The Freeman
Nov 5, 2004
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Minecraft Beta 1.2 is live. All servers need to be updated to 1.2.

New features:
* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
* 15 wool dyes
* A new water dwelling mob
* New tree types
* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
* A bunch of new crafting recipes
* One secret useful block
* One secret pretty block
* Cake
* AND MOAR, probably. I forget!

* Paintings work in multiplayer
* Disconnecting while riding no longer keeps the player in the world
* A bunch more state is properly synched in multiplayer
* Fixed colors going weird on PowerPC
* Fixed a horrible chunk reload loop in singleplayer
* Fixed most lighting bugs in newly generated SMP maps
* Falling sand behaves better in SMP
* Fixed a few crash on load level bugs

I made a new map and started moving around. First thing I've noticed so far: Skeletons drop BONES as well as arrows. No idea what they do yet, except you can make bone meal out of them. Discuss!
Horrible performance issues for me.

As usual, MPUK are waiting for a hmod update/inevitable fixes before upgrading to 1.2
do I smell a giant squid as a agressive mob in a future update?
Yea, those Squids (new water mobs) don't attack at all. It'd be cool to see a giant one that attacks.

Btw, they drop about 4 ink sacks each when killed.
Minecraft Wiki has everything you can do btw. Expect Minecraft songs soon as redstone wire will activate note blocks. Blocks placed on different surfaces will play different instruments. FFS Notch.
Would no be a good time to do a map render?

I haven't seen one since the I joined.
Here's another update-to-fix-the-update. Might make the framerate better:

This update affects both the client and the server, but the server update isn’t mandatory. I highly suggest updating, though.

* Fixed various blocks acting really weird when placed (rails, torches, and more)
* Optimized performance
* Added a new painting that we forgot to include yesterday
* Reduced spawn rates a bit
* Fixed a whole pile of lighting bugs
* No more ghosts at night
* Added a temporary fix to get rid of chunk visibility errors

The last one is interesting.. The problem with chunk visibility errors was that for some reason the “dirty” flag on chunks and the list of “dirty chunks” got out of synch. There wasn’t time to try to do a proper fix today, so I just made the client check a couple of dirty chunks per frame to make sure they’re in the list.

So until we fix it proper, you might get invisible chunks, but they will fix themselves after a second or two, usually way before you even get close to them.
Open game to find massive chunks of the world gone > Uninstall.exe
I misread "* Fixed a whole pile of lighting bugs" for fixed a small pile of lightning bugs.

Now I want lightning!
Nether gates seem to work in single player now! YAY!

Ores seem to come in larger veins.

Can anyone confirm if tools last longer now... they seem to.
The gates have always worked in single player. You wouldn't happen to mean multiplayer?

They never worked properly. You would build a gate and go through, but when you tried to com back it would spawn another gate in another location. Now that problem seems to have been fixed.
Not working =/= inevitable occasional buggy portal placements between an uncorresponding nether