Minimum specs

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
As posted here


3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compatible 64MB video card and drivers
1.2 GHz Athlon(tm) or 1.2 GHz Pentium® III processor or higher
384MB of RAM (512MB of RAM recommended)
Microsoft® Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP
Quad-Speed CD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers
3.3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files and saved games (plus 1.4 GB for Windows® swap file)
100% DirectX® 9.0-compatible 16-bit sound card and drivers
100% Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP-compatible mouse, keyboard, and drivers
DirectX® 9.0c (Included)

Supported Chipsets for 98/ME/2000/XP

All ATI® Radeon® Chipsets
All NVIDIA® GeForce(tm) Chipsets
Matrox® Parhelia(tm) Chipset
That's quite a large swapfile it needs. Not exactly a problem, but I've never noticed a game using it that much.
Groawr. I'm upgrading my computer just so I can play Bloodlines on high settings :)
Windows is greedy and will use all the RAM it can get and it still will always use some virtual memory even if there is enough physical memory. Must be a lot of data being crunched - a sign of a true hardcore RPG! :)