mirrored UVs for normal map



has anyone experienced problems with mirrored UVs for normal mapping for HL2.
do u guys have in-house tools to solve this, any work arounds... ive searched hl2 faq and this forums, but no real answer.
idk about source engine, but in 3ds when i do that it projects light the wrong way -_-(hilights where lowlights should be, & vice versa)
I don't understand what you mean, could you explain it in detail?

(p/s when you generate normal maps you can't have mirrored or overlapping uvs)
yes. u cant have mirrored or overlaping UVs,
but i hear some engine recognize mirrored UVs and flip the "x" or the "r" of the rgb value of the normal map, is there any truth to that, can hl2 engine do that,
or am i just going to have to squeeze my UVs to get all the texture space as possible.
yeah they invert the normals of mirrored uv's i dont think HL2 can do this i havent asked the dev's so im not too sure about it. your best bet would be to email gabe. in the meantime however you can isolate the mirrored faces in another channel.
I know what hes talking about, when your making a symmetrical model, character or otherwise, depending.. you usually make half, then map half to save time, then clone and mirror for the other half and weld, so your mirroring the mesh and therefore the UV's aswell.

There are .smd exporter's that will detect and flip the normals back if you ask it to.. you can also use the Reset Xform script to stop it from happening

follow this tutorial.

what kind of url is that clarky?
or am i missing something... and whos gabe..
im new on this board and to half life engine.
i will be using ZB to generate a high rez model, but, i think i will use another 3rd party program to actually generate the normal map by way of closest point instead of the way zb does it.
but thanx all for reply.
i just layed out my UVs the hard way, and tightened things as much as i could.