Mirroring in XSI


Aug 16, 2003
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how do you mirror an object in XSI? and will it stop clone dependancy?

I.E make 1 object, clone it, move it and then mirror it. I've got all bar the last bit :). I assume this is possible from such a powerful app, but how?
It's really stupid in the 3.0 series as it was really simple(still is, but not overly simple like it was.

1. Select your geometry

2. Go to Edit > Duplicate/Instantiate > Clone Single*

3. It will automatically selected so all you have to do is scale it -1 in whatever axis you want; Usually "X" axis; it is center dependant, but most stuff should be zeroed to the global axis.

* In earlier versions you could use an instance by pressing shift-I, however, in 3.x series your geometry needs to be under a model node to do this. Clone works just the same, but no standard hot key.
Edit | Duplicate/Instantiate | Duplicate Symmetry

EDIT: whoop, beat me to it.
I take theres no Clone symmetry option so that it auto updates as u change the original?
That's what clone or instance does; it moved with the original; you just need to scale in -1.

All you have to do is one youy close go type "-1" in the x input box to the right under "S" for scale and you have a symetrical clone; just don't freeze it, only free the original.

However, I am guess you used dscowboys way because duplicated don't update.