Miss USA hopefuls on Evolution

Nobody from Connecticut was on there. Thats either a sign that we dont have that many idiots, or we don't have that many attractive women. We were also ranked as the 4th highest in the country on a "most attractive people" survey. So, **** yeah!
My reaction to this video:

"Lol, dumb bitches."
I don't think it's so much that they are dumb, more that many are prepared to not be honest in case that supporting evolution being taught in schools will damage their chances in the competition. There in lies the real sadness.
So many of their responses are generically dumb though, it's that recurring American stereotype which crops up from time to time, that everyone is either a Bible basher or completely against religion of any kind. And the former greatly 'out-numbers' the latter.

But yeah, what you said was true, they've most likely been told/taught to say that stuff because it will help them in the competition.
That kind of conservative appeasement is the more troubling thing and it's becoming increasingly endemic.
This is why God invented the words: "vapid cunts".
Ricky was right in that episode of Extras, this is just the modern day freakshow. They pretty much have these pagents just to show of how stupid the contestants are.
lol you guys are the ones who are stupid for thinking they actually believe or care about what they're saying. their answers have massive bearing on the judgment of the contest... they are just trying to sound good for their target audience.
Should evolution be taught in school?! WHAT KIND OF ****ING QUESTION IS THAT. It couldn't have been more loaded if it was literally a gun.

I like how successfully they managed to put the shoe on the other foot. Even certain contestants who seemed to be supportive of it being taught suggested a "compromise" by teaching both evolution and creation theory. Seriously, was this pageant paid for by the Discovery Institute or something?
lol you guys are the ones who are stupid for thinking they actually believe or care about what they're saying. their answers have massive bearing on the judgment of the contest... they are just trying to sound good for their target audience.

And yet the person who won was the one who said the opposite of what all the others said. Hmmm....
These aren't women, these are pairs of tits with some sort of noise coming from them.
Some of the answers sounded more like appeasement than a sincere belief in what they were saying.