Missing HL1 characters spoilers????



Missing HL1 characters spoilers????
What ever happened to Dr Rosenberg??? he played a big part in saving barney, didn't he???
What ever happened to the wheel chair bloke from decay?
What happened to the two birds? Gina? And someone what’s her face? Is the g-man sexist (not sexy- oh god, mental image of g-man acting sexy, aHHHHHHHHHHH!
HEaP said:
Missing HL1 characters spoilers????
What ever happened to Dr Rosenberg??? he played a big part in saving barney, didn't he???
What ever happened to the wheel chair bloke from decay?
What happened to the two birds? Gina? And someone what’s her face? Is the g-man sexist (not sexy- oh god, mental image of g-man acting sexy, aHHHHHHHHHHH!
Who knows about Rosenberg, maybe in Blue Shift 2?
Although, I'd say Barney saved him :E


was that some type of mod for sp hl or something...

the only birds i saw where dead ones on xen.
Dougy said:


was that some type of mod for sp hl or something...

the only birds i saw where dead ones on xen.
I think decay was some kind of crap console thingy for Half-life.
With birds I assume he means girls.
decay was the mod for the ps2 version of HL which included the 2 birds
finds her body in xen???? when???? and if you say she was one of them hev-suit bodies...
Well I had heard that the two girls did die, but I dont really know myself. Either way it's been said time and again that the expansion packs aren't considered official storyline because they were written by Gearbox and not by Valve's previously part-time writer Mark Laidlaw (now full time), and it seems like Gearbox got a few things wrong. Unless Gearbox is licencesed to do some more expansion packs, I really wouldn't recommend getting your hopes up on seeing any of the characters introduced in those expansion packs.

EDIT: Also note that the Barney in Blueshift never actually fought alongside Gordon in HL1, and the Barney in HL2 certainly does seem to have fought with Gordon.
In Nihilanth, Nihilanth teleports you to one of those sub-sections. I think she was under water, or on a ledge. Her face was revealed. Was clearly her.
Revenge said:
Well I had heard that the two girls did die, but I dont really know myself. Either way it's been said time and again that the expansion packs aren't considered official storyline because they were written by Gearbox and not by Valve's previously part-time writer Mark Laidlaw (now full time), and it seems like Gearbox got a few things wrong. Unless Gearbox is licencesed to do some more expansion packs, I really wouldn't recommend getting your hopes up on seeing any of the characters introduced in those expansion packs.

EDIT: Also note that the Barney in Blueshift never actually fought alongside Gordon in HL1, and the Barney in HL2 certainly does seem to have fought with Gordon.

Marc Laidlaw did have say on what happened in the expansions, although there was some creative freedom on Gearbox's part. It's not as if they could do anything they wanted, it is part of the official story line. (Like, Valve wouldn't have let them destroy Black Mesa if they intended to go back there in Half-Life 2).

EDIT: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=764827&postcount=24
eh? black mesa was nuked? when? i saw a nuke in opposing force, then i saw the g-man humping it, but i never saw it go off. or was it in blue shift? again i dont remember any explosions, really big ones anyway, all i remember, is fighting off the marines untill you teleport your barney arse out of there with rosenberg and his scientist posse.
HEaP said:
eh? black mesa was nuked? when? i saw a nuke in opposing force, then i saw the g-man humping it, but i never saw it go off. or was it in blue shift? again i dont remember any explosions, really big ones anyway, all i remember, is fighting off the marines untill you teleport your barney arse out of there with rosenberg and his scientist posse.

It was in Opposing Force. If you watch the ending again you'll see a big flash of light when the G-man is talking.
oh, that flash of light, it all makes sence now. bloody hell that Dr. Eli Vance must be one tough S.O.B. virtually doing the same escape run, as freeman, avoiding the aliens, marines, black ops, them annoying big arse jumps that you have to make, toxic crap every where, finding and saving his kid don't forget, all this with a missing leg that got ripped off by a bull squid not to mention the blood loss he must of suffered! oh, WTF am a talking about its just a GaME! but still...
HEaP said:
oh, that flash of light, it all makes sence now. bloody hell that Dr. Eli Vance must be one tough S.O.B. virtually doing the same escape run, as freeman, avoiding the aliens, marines, black ops, them annoying big arse jumps that you have to make, toxic crap every where, finding and saving his kid don't forget, all this with a missing leg that got ripped off by a bull squid not to mention the blood loss he must of suffered! oh, WTF am a talking about its just a GaME! but still...
I thought he got his leg ripped off later on...
i love a good underdog story, so i like to think it was some where in the middle!
AJ Rimmer said:
I thought he got his leg ripped off later on...
Right you are.

If it got ripped off in Black Mesa he undoubtedly wouldn't have made it out. I remember someone telling me that the guide says when he was pushing Kleiner into a City wall, a bullsquid ripped it off, and then he was pulled in by Kleiner.
HEaP said:
oh, that flash of light, it all makes sence now. bloody hell that Dr. Eli Vance must be one tough S.O.B. virtually doing the same escape run, as freeman, avoiding the aliens, marines, black ops, them annoying big arse jumps that you have to make, toxic crap every where, finding and saving his kid don't forget, all this with a missing leg that got ripped off by a bull squid not to mention the blood loss he must of suffered! oh, WTF am a talking about its just a GaME! but still...

I think I have a mental image of this conversation after you leave Eli.

*Gordon leaves*
Einstein-type scientist: "He does know about the secret escape tunnel in the reception doesn't he?"
Eli: "I think he does... doesn't he? If he doesn't he'll have to go all the way through the facility to reach the surface"
Einstein-type scientist: "Oh bugger"
Feath said:
I think I have a mental image of this conversation after you leave Eli.

*Gordon leaves*
Einstein-type scientist: "He does know about the secret escape tunnel in the reception doesn't he?"
Eli: "I think he does... doesn't he? If he doesn't he'll have to go all the way through the facility to reach the surface"
Einstein-type scientist: "Oh bugger"
Einy: Oh, at least he's bound to know about the extra high-ration-killing super HEV suit right next to his, right? The one with the machineguns, flamethrowers, auto-aiming bazookas and personal teleporter. He knows about that doesn't he?
Eli: I'm sure he does. We all got the same memo right?
did someone say dead bird??

here ya go!...one dead bird

and yes these are the REAL enemy! LOL
Eli didn't really have to do the same run... Let's not forget how you left a trail of death and destruction behind you. The run up to the surface would have been a mostly eventless one, especially since you opened up a bunch of doors from the other side. Also, by the time Eli gave up on your eventual return, the military had already likely pulled out their remaining forces.

Now nukes have their drawbacks, and Black Mesa's terrain would have made a nuclear explosion extremely ineffective. I can't remember where exactly the nuke was planted, but considering that Black Mesa was embedded in a mess of canyons, you'd find that in real life a single nuke wouldn't have done the job, and that the nuclear fallout would be limited to just the canyon floor of whatever canyon it was set off in. The majority of the explosion would take out a bunch of walls, ceilings and floors in a straight line within the complex until it hit dirt or enough concrete, and what got out the top of the complex would have been trapped in the canyon. Very little of the explosion would come out the top, and even then fallout wouldn't go anywhere but straight up and then down (unless you factor wind in).

What this means is that the chances of somebody actively trying to escape not being affected by the explosion is quite highly likely. Just being in the next canyon over would be enough to give you a good chance of surviving the blast, but the nuclear fallout and subsequent radiation would still be a problem unless you went back underground and made your way to a further off point. Also, failing that, let's not forget that the Portal storms continued for quite a while, which meant that there were randomly appearing and disappearing portals all over Earth. Eli and Kleiner could have quite happily wandered into a portal, ended up on one of those rare stretches of Xen that didn't require a massive jump to reach another portal, and then ended up in any location on Earth. Let's not forget about that scientist who portalled in when we were on Xen, except that his portal opened up 20 feet up in the air and away from any nearby islands, meaning he fell straight to his death, this atleast meant that there were scientists trying to escape via Xen.

Which also brings up an interesting point.... Who's to say that the dark fusion reactor exploding would kill everyone? It wasn't a normal explosion, it was a portal collapsing in on itself. It could quite possibly teleport anything it touches to somewhere else, even if it wasn't where the portal was originally pointing.
Revenge said:
Eli and Kleiner could have quite happily wandered into a portal, ended up on one of those rare stretches of Xen that didn't require a massive jump to reach another portal, and then ended up in any location on Earth.

and it was there he stepped on the bullsquid that took his leg! :cheers: