Missing Information


May 13, 2006
Reaction score
The team behind Missing Information was the first team that released the E3 presentation Valve showed at E3 Expo in 2003, and the Borealis chapter that was cut from the final game. Missing Information aims to recreate the old storyline found in Valve's Raising the Bar book which they released shortly after the release of their completely changed game, Half-Life 2 back in November 16th 2004.

The first version of Missing Information was released in 2006. The team behind the first release of Missing Information split up due to lack of time caused by personal stuff such as school. Gabe's Love Tub shut down and the domain was lost.

December 6th 2008 - fstick, a user on HL2World, created a thread showing off a modification called CONCUBINE PREDICAMENT. Several members of the old team replied to the thread and soon Gabe's Love Tub was up and running again thanks to Snakez, owner of HL2World and Flamehaus. Less than two weeks later the first trailer of Missing Information 1.5 was released on December 24th. On December 31st Missing Information 1.5 was released which was an updated version of the 1.4 version ported to Valve's new Orange Box edition of the Source Engine.

Full: Missing Information 1.5
Patch: Missing Information patch 1.5.1

Missing Information's First Major Media Release

Official Channels

Moddb profile: Missing Information
Official website: Gabe's Love Tub
YouTube: MissingInformation
Valve Developer Community: Missing Information
No offence, but all you guys did was pretty much port the mod to the Orange Box engine without any new stuff which to me was pointless. It's been over a year since this mod was supposedly resurrected when are we going to get something new? I remember a while back some of the old members showing vids of MI 1.6 which seemed good what happened to those maps.
I'm downloading this now, It's taking ages, is that normal?
I didn't see the thread prior to my post. THANKS 'THEONEFREEMAN'. WHAT A DICK.
You really are a soulless hater Samon.

Why would I want to play the original campaign? Seems like the actual one is better since it made the cut for the final game.