Missing Texture Solution

  • Thread starter Thread starter MaliceX
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Many users have been experiencing issues with purple and black checkered textures appearing in Half-Life 2. I also experienced this problem, and have found a solution.

I was able to determine that the textures where corrupt, most likely due to a issue with Steam at the inital time of download. The following is instructions on how to fix the issue.

1. Turn off any programs using the internet, including Steam.

2. Navigate to Drive:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps

3. Delete the file source materials.gcf

4. Reconnect to Steam.

5. From the main menu of Steam, select Play Games

6. Right Click on Half-Life 2 and select launch game. Steam will launch the update manager and begin to redownload the source materials.gcf.

7. This step is important. Do not use the actual "Ready to play in : blank amount of time" window that comes up. Im refering to the window that will pop up when you attempt to launch Half-Life 2, and it will show a progress bar. This window is not important and can be very misleading.

8. Close all Steam windows, and in your taskbar, right click on the Steam logo, and select Monitor. This will show the actual progress of your download.

9. Once the download is complete at 100%, exit steam and restart your computer.

10. Once your computer reboots, launch Steam and launch Half-Life 2

This should fix the issue with missing textures. Hope this helps those of you with the problem. If you have any questions, let me know.
Also, maybe a Mod could sticky this post for quick reference?
More to the point, if your geometry looks like this...




The wire frames are basically the areas that are supposed to be textured. Anyone who has played with hammer editor should be familiar with this.

I will be trying MaliceX's solution as it seems very sound.

Kudos to you sir! :thumbs:
good luck to those of you with this problem....on a funny side note it looks like some of the hacks i've seen on PunksBusted forums......for America's Army
Worked like a charm. Before this i copied a friends .gcf file onto a dvd and wrote over mine with his. Didn't work, I guess each file has its own signature.


Victory! :bounce:
Ok so I have the texture error on some people, it vaires sometimes you see the persons body but just a wireframe mesh for their head other times you see their head and there's no body at all not even a wireframe. And sometimes you get no body and a wireframe face like here:


Now if it were just texture problems I would've thought you'd see the wireframe as in other pictures not like this is where it's almost as if some parts of the model aren't there.
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