Missouri or Missoura?

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
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I got suspended from school today and how do I use my time? Why, to make a useless thread and see what everyone thinks about something totally not worth talking about! My teacher kept calling the state of Missouri Missoura, but it's Missouri, right? I wanna know what people think. Is this how it is, or is my World Studies teacher unedumactioned?

You can tell I'm bored can't you..... :sleep: I just know this thread is going to get closed or DDT'd with God knows what.
Southern accents piss me off. I hate living in this state, because people can't pronounce anything.

A city here, "Nevada, MO" Pronounced Neh-vA-duh...ok...
Another city...Miami....pronoumced "My-am-uh"

Not everyone in the South speaks like a redneck people.....ffs. But I know what you mean. I have an uncle who sounds like Festus Haggen from Gunsmoke, but you can't understand anything he says.

He doesn't have an accent, either. I think he's got something wrong with him?
Well I live in the south, and I don't talk like that..it's just for some reason most people can't see there is no "A" or "U" in Miami...and say Miamuh...SERIUFHSGOH Bothers me.
I didn't serve a detention. Hell, I never serve them unless I am forced. I got the detention because I went to the office to call for some painkillers, and I was late for class. I'm alot more worried about not being able to carry my own shit because of the pain than class.

See how things work around here?
I didn't serve a detention. Hell, I never serve them unless I am forced. I got the detention because I went to the office to call for some painkillers, and I was late for class. I'm alot more worried about not being able to carry my own shit because of the pain than class.

See how things work around here?


:cheers: your problems away

Remember that story I posted about me kicking the bowling ball and cursing like a mother ****er in the "Worst Thing You've Said" thread? It hurt so much that when I tried picking up heavy objects, it would hurt my foot.
So you got temporarily suspended for not doing a detention? That's laughably absurd. I'm on holidays, no detentions for ME!
It's retarded that the school sends me home, when I'll just be coming back in a few hours. Why not hold me in ISD?

Back on topic now bitches, or I'll rape the Hell out of you.
I'm gonna say "Missoura" because it makes me smile.
I'm going to go with 'Miss-owr-rye' because I've never said Missouri before so I'mma pronounce it however the hell I want.
That was a waste of time. Leave it to me to forget to bring paper......

I'm gonna say Missourape because.....Yeah.