Mist- A mod for Half-Life 2

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Greetings from the Dev Team of the upcoming Half-Life 2 mod, Mist. Mist Mod is an upcoming total conversion of Half-Life 2, based on the golden age of Piracy. Yes, a Pirate mod for HL2. Many members of our team are veterans of the Battefield: Pirates community, which supplied our inspiration for the project. Heres a breif introduction on the story of Mist Mod-

Filled with every type of lustrous treasure and shiny riches every created by man-kind, these beautiful paradise islands are often fought over for control. Previously owned by the Cursed Pirates, they are the ideal set of islands to have. It’s seen more battles then any other place in the world and it’s guardian spirits are looking for it’s final owners.

The mod will feature three playable sides: The Cut Throats, The Black Buccaneers, and The Cursed Pirates. Each side has its own stregnths and weaknesses, and special abilities. Here is another breif introduction on the background and storyline of each side-

Cursed Pirates: The Former conquerors of the Mist Isles, these pirates used to be simple men with no worries. Stumbling on the mist isles and arriving to find mass amounts of treasure, they soon became greedy and overconfident. Soon enough, their ways of taking care of the Mist Isles were insulting to the spirits who looked over it. A curse was dealt upon these destructive pirates and the only way to get rid of it, is to re-take the Isles and prove themselves worthy.

The Cut Throats: The Cut Throats are the best at what they do, or that’s what the local legend says. No citizen has ever seen a Cut Throat pirate and lived to speak about it. No Cut Throat pirate has been caught by any government agency without escaping shortly after. They don’t want the Mist Isles for it’s riches or it’s territorial advantages, but only to restore the honor it once had. Well, maybe it’s riches too.

Black Buccaneers: Known to get exactly what they want, whenever they want it, this large group of buccaneers is after the Mist Isles solely for it’s riches. Having the knowledge of how to not be cursed by the Mist Isles’ protecting spirits, they’re planning on making this the biggest and last plunder until they retire from they’re pirateship.

We are at this point looking for skilled and experienced indeviduals to join our Staff. We have already filled our team with very skilled Modellers, but we are looking for the following:

(2) Modelers
(2) Skinners
(2) Coders
(2) Sounds
(2) Mappers
(1) GFX

If you are interested on working with our team on the production of Mist Mod, please send an email to [email protected] with a short portfolio and samples of your work. We are looking for very experienced team members, as to get this mod rolling as soon as possible.

Of course, since Half-Life 2 has not been released yet, many of the above positions cannot yet be accomplished, such as mapping and coding. However, we have already begun early models, to be improved when we know more about the game and the engine we are working off. Here is a breif sample of our work:




That is all for now, if you have any questions, please visit our forums at www.forums.mistmod.com

Our website is currently in production, but if you are an experienced web designer and are interested in the project, please send an email to [email protected]

-The Mist Mod Team
Well, seems we have no takers.. heres our latest news, nonetheless:

Alright, we have a couple more models to show off today, these ones skinned/modelled by our crewmembers Guy le Douche and Blizny.



The spyglass will belong to the Captian class, which will be announced in detail later on. The Hammer is used for demolition and sabotage, or just destroying buildings and weapons. We also have plans for a torch.. more on that as it comes. Gametypes, weapons, and more concept work will be announced shortly.

We are hard at work on a website at the moment, but you can always visit our forums at www.forums.mistmod.com. We have filled up most of our staff positions, but we are still looking for-

(1)Sound Editor

If you are interested, please register at our forums and send an email to [email protected] with some samples. Your work is greatly appriciated.

-The Mist Mod Staff
Duh.. didn't you know that all pirate spies were armed with huge noise-making hammers to make their sneaky sneakings known to all? You would of thought they would be armed with a small dagger of somesort, but no, hammers it was..
You'll probably get more takers after Half-Life 2's release, when everyone plays and then says 'Ohh! I want to make something!'. Either that, or we'll end up with another influx of Counter-Terrorism, WW2, and Post-Apocalyptic mods appearing at that time. :P

-Angry Lawyer
Another update-

Hey guys, kathunx here with a HUGE update! Well, our modelers and skinners have been busy at work trying to prepare our weapon skins and such.

A quick reminder on our playable sides, we will feature three teams; the wealthy Black Buccaneers, the undead Cursed Pirates, and the clever Cut Throats. Each side will have its own stregnths and weaknesses, but they all come down even in the end.

I'll start out with our pistols...


This pistol belongs to the Black Buccaneer team. It's a prototype pistol, equivalent to the power ratios of the modern day Desert Eagle. Only a team as wealthy as the Black Buccaneers can afford a pistol like this one.


The Cursed Pirate's have an easier way of dealing with unwanted shipmates. They simply blow 'em up to pieces with their Double Barrelled Flintlock pistol. It's primary fire allows you to fire one shot at once, it's secondary fire allows you to fire both shots at the same time.


Finally, the Cut Throat's have a speedier alternative when it comes to small arms. They prefer to use dual 'Forgotten Flintlock' edition pistols. Even though these pistols lack in power, they certainly make up for it in speed.

Pistols aren't all that are included in tonights update... we also have the Harpoon Gun!


We're thinking this may be one of the more enjoyable weapons in the game. In theory, the Manipulator/Anti-Gravity gun's coding can be used to allow the Harpoon Gun to have retractable arrow capabilities. What this means is- you can shoot an enemy with a harpoon, and bring him back to you using an attached rope! Hopefully that will work out as we plan it to.

And what would a Cut Throat be without his daggers?


Being both throwable and useful in melee combat, these double daggers are a Cut Throat's best friend.

Last but not least, we've finished the Rowboat!


This 5-man oar-powered ship will be included in all large vessels (for emergency and scouting purposes).

Our next update will hopefully show off our Whip, Muskets and some items and tools. Some news on our site as well... We have a professional website in the works, but we will be putting up a temporary PhPnuke site this week.

We are still on the prowl for Coders, Mappers and Character Modellers for those interested in working on our mod. Please send applications to [email protected] with a breif sample of your work for review.

-The Mist Mod Team