MIT Sketching

That's awesome!

BTW, can anyone remember that thread from a while back about "the future of computer control" with that interface that you could control with your hands?
That's completely awesome.

and yeah, I do remember that. I still think it owns :p
That's pretty damned awesome. Looks like it'd be a bit complicated doing advanced mathematical functions like assuming gravity is 10 (used in many A-level mechanics exams) or changing variables of spring tension etc. to un-realistic levels. It's still pretty awesome though!
Advances in technology ftw! :D
That's amazing. Really, that's all I have to say !
Looks like it'd be a bit complicated doing advanced mathematical functions like assuming gravity is 10 (used in many A-level mechanics exams) or changing variables of spring tension etc. to un-realistic levels.
I'm sure they've implemented that aswell.
That's awesome!

BTW, can anyone remember that thread from a while back about "the future of computer control" with that interface that you could control with your hands?

That'd be awesome to integrate with the MIT Sketching.

I'd imagine for the advance settings on this, there would be pre-defined variables, so that you wouldn't have to do all the mathematical equations
we already have the digital whiteboards and i have physics software on my computer
Nothing too complicated... I've seen programs where you can draw shit and tell it to be anchored or whatever. Put that on a smartboard or whatever you call it so you can just draw on the wall and there you go.

Cool to watch none-the-less.
we already have the digital whiteboards and i have physics software on my computer

Aye, in my secondary school we had them in every classroom, sadly without the physics software D:
At around 2:45 into the video, why did his drawn rectangle turn into a triangle?

Cool stuff though.
another reason why I want to go to MIT....but I'll never make it. nobody in my district has in the past decade.