MMR Jab Controversy


May 6, 2005
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The scandal surrounding the MMR jab errupted again this past week after a presenter on LBC (a London radio station) started mouthing off about the supposed 'dangers' of the jab which led to a whole heap of other stuff happening. In addition The Times has run two articles this past week following the LBC affair and bringing to light new information about the report from Andrew Wakefield which started this whole sorry state of affairs back at the end of the 90s.

There are so many different links stemming from this story that it is easier if I just give you links to the summary of the events from John Walker. He has all the relevant links in his two pieces, well worth reading if you weren't already fully aware of this issue.
I think it's utterly ridiculous that so many people believe it causes autism. The jab should be a legal requirement IMO.
Wakefield and his ilk are horrible horrible people. I wish someone would press charges of some kind, he deserves a whole lot of jail time imo.
You can still get it, and you should.
I assume I got it, since my parents aren't utter retards and would actually know what to do.
I don't even know if I got it or not, BUT I AINT BECOMIN' NO ASPIE.

I'm already socially awkward enough...

So uh... Whats MMR? And whats an MMR Jab?

I came in here thinking it was another name for the terrorist fist bump.
i never had an hepatitis B shot, but that was out of pure laziness, not crazyiness.
Can't I have both? I hate these choices.
It never really occurred to me until now, but after I got my Hepatitis A/B vaccine, I became less socially awkward.

Not by much.
My youngest son hasn't had MMR.

He's autistic.
Hey Pi, were you in London yesterday? I saw someone at a station who looked just like you except not angry.
I can neither confirm nor deny that.
Hey Pi, were you in London yesterday? I saw someone at a station who looked just like you except not angry.

I think you just answered your own question there.

No chance.