Mo Mowlam dies at 55

It's a conspiracy! PoliticianS kicking it left, right and centre! :O

Anyways, I had read that her condition was worsening, I suppose this was inevitable.
She sang with Ron Jeremy on Frank Skinner. Good sense of humour, quite a shame.
I never knew her as a woman, but I did know her as the subject of a thread.

And Izaic said to Abraham, the holy land belongs to Peshmerga.
YAY! ';';';';';';';;';';';';';';';;';';';';'';;'';';''';';';';';'';'';';';';'';'';';';';';;'';'';;';'';';'';'';';'';;'';'';';';;';'';';'';';'';';';'''';';'';';;'';';';'';;'';;';;';'';;;';;';'';';''';';'';';'';''';;';''';;'6char
Feath said:
Clicking the link and reading my give you a few hints.

but im a lazy american (not all americans) that doesnt want to read!

The summary is that if you're too lazy to read about her, we're too lazy to type ourselves.

Good lady, its a shame. If you americans really don't know or care enough to read the link or watch the video feath linked you to, don't bother posting in the thread. RIP Mo :(