Mobo KIA, need replacement suggestion.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
OK. So I don't know anything at all about PC hardware anymore as I won't have the money to upgrade until I graduate.

So here's the prob-o. I spilled sugar'y tea on my Asus P5E, and I need something like it, only better and cheaper thanks to the marvels of the future.

Here's what I've found so far:

Alternatively, there's Gigabyte, right? Or are there any other gamer boards that are cheap and halfway decent on 775 w/DDR2?
How did you spill tea on your motherboard? was it inside the case? Was it on at the time?
How did you spill tea on your motherboard? was it inside the case? Was it on at the time?

yes, and obviously yes

I've had it examined by a couple professionals including a friend of mine who does circuitry, etc.

How did I spill it ON the mobo? Well, first of all--I was retarded and high and my old case had a fan port / exhaust on the top that one can fit with a 120mm fan. I rested my tea on top of my computer case while having a lapse of reason and/or sanity.

These, however, are non-sequiturs, the board is KIA and other components survived, I need replacement help. I take full responsibility for my tardation, Asus (the board, not our beloved hardware guru) is certainly not to blame. haha
I'm not trying to rub anything in, shit happens. But the point is if it was on at the time this happened you could have other problems. I don't know what your friend could have done to say for sure the other components are fine if the computer is not powering on unless he took the parts out and tried them out in different computers. What happened once you spilled it? Did everything just shut down? Did you smell anything burning?

I'm not trying to scare you and tell you that your computer is ****ed but before you dump $100 in to a mobo you should be prepared to have issues with other components, mainly the CPU.

For all the different motherboards I've used Asus always worked best not only function wise but also support wise since they actually had a number you could call. I'm sure someone else will be a lot better at giving you specific recommendations since I don't pay too much attention to these things lately.
Again I've tested the components on several other machines and they are FINE. My friends and I have conclusively found the mobo to be the problem. I appreciate the help and everything, but I've used very clear language here.
Well you didn't make clear that you tested all the other components so I just wanted to make sure, I've been bit in the ass a number of times when I thought something was wrong, bought the replacement part, and then it turned out something else didn't work on top of that.

This is a side point but if you want to try and fix the broken mobo you can try to wash the affected area with tap water (kind of a no duh but make sure everything is removed from the mobo including CPU), let it dry for a couple days, and see if it works. If all your other components are working it probably didn't short anything out so it might be worth a shot if you wanna save a hundred bucks.
Did that, also had my friend who is a computer technician do it, too. I need a new motherboard. :[