mod anoncement: SORCERER


Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
i am going to make a mod and call it SORCERER.
i havn't startet and i am not asking for anyones help.
the only reason i post this is to motivate myself to start and make shure that noone else have used this kikk ass mod name.

that was all i wanted to say. have a nice day!
Well.. sounds promising. Good luck with that then. :)
SidewinderX said:
One suggestion: spelling.

you see, by doing everything myself i eliminate the factor of other ppl so i dont have to write mesanges. that means that i before am doing the webside i have no lern how to write english corectly(or just using a spellcheck-program wich i am ushaly to lasy to do)

i will however be polite enugh(if that how its spelled) to read trough my comming posts to get the worste errors so i don't anoy you mister.
slicer said:
i am going to make a mod and call it SORCERER.
i havn't startet and i am not asking for anyones help.
the only reason i post this is to motivate myself to start and make shure that noone else have used this kikk ass mod name.

that was all i wanted to say. have a nice day!
There is a crappy RPG by that name, from the looks of it :E
Not a mod though.
MaxiKana said:
Also, register it on modb.

thats a exelent idea, i serched trough there but didn't think as far as regestering. they require a webside :( i ges i put some crap togheter tumorow.

i have herd about the RPG, i dont think they have trademarked the name sorcerer since its such a spesific word(but you newer know )
One man mod teams - that's the way forward. The mod gets done based on YOUR dedication, rather than anyone else's.

Slicer, I salute you.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
One man mod teams - that's the way forward. The mod gets done based on YOUR dedication, rather than anyone else's.

Slicer, I salute you.

-Angry Lawyer
ditto, only your screwed if you aren't able to get yourself dedicated and motivated. Plus I think you are underestimating the amount of work that is required to build a mod with a decent team, let alone one guy!
EVIL said:
ditto, only your screwed if you aren't able to get yourself dedicated and motivated. Plus I think you are underestimating the amount of work that is required to build a mod with a decent team, let alone one guy!
Well we dont know what he intends to do, do we?

Maybe he just wishes to add some animated fingers that wave in a magical way instead of the physgun :E

*me waves fingers at red barrel*


*barrel flies toward me and explode in the face*
dawdler said:
Well we dont know what he intends to do, do we?

Maybe he just wishes to add some animated fingers that wave in a magical way instead of the physgun :E

*me waves fingers at red barrel*


*barrel flies toward me and explode in the face*

wow are you a sorcerer! you can read minds :thumbs:

of corse red barels dont realy fit the setting, so i am going to make a fantasy/medeval style map and reskin a HL character to fit it in to the setting(probably alyx)

and i think that is all i need to make a mod that is fun to play and has a compleatly diferent feeling than HL2.

i am going to keep it as simple as posible in the start and releas a beta as soon as its playable.

first when i have a playable mod i can start trying to do more advanced things and involve more ppl.

i think there is to many perfectionist out there that has a great vision of how there mod should be and end upps never finishing it.
i am a greate beliver in starting simple and then see how it turnes out in the end.
EVIL said:
your screwed if you aren't able to get yourself dedicated and motivated.

that depends on how you look at it. i am doing this to lern more about game design, and if i give upp after i am 50% finished i still probably have lerned a lot, and since i does it alone noone is going to be angry or disapointed at me.

infact, to be honest i think i am even more screwed if i get realy dedicated, i think that wouldent be any good for my school work :cheese: .
Yes, that's the spirit!

Dont care about those negative peeps, pfff... One have to start somewhere, and even a failure is a lesson learned. I'm making my own one-man mod too, called Shipwrecker, cause I'm generally bored and want to fiddle. Phear my low poly modelling skillz! :D
Dasparov said:
another question, how old are you?

why do you want to know?

if you are going to tell me that i spill like a 8 year old there is no need, i have no iliutions.

if you were not, i am sorry for for beeing paranoid.

i am 17.
exoeight said:
how does a thread like this get so many replies?
A conversation, by definition, include replies to what the other people say.

Like this post.

See? Another one for the count.
Simpleness? Are you sure of that? I mean, I'm sure you think its simple compared to a mod like CS or DoD or DC or whatever (yes I think that too ;)), but that is a crapload of work... For it to be believable, you need a total converstion. New weapons, new characters, new animations for everything, new maps, new sounds.

Simple is... Making rebel-rugby with a combine head as ball.
Or... Racing with the waterboats.
Or... The same with jeeps.
Or... Making a Combine-Trooper mod (you, your assault rifle and 1,000,000 ant lions).

I think you get the idea. Making a mod based on magic and mayhem anyway, anyhow, is not simple. Especially not for one guy. Yes I know I'm a bit contradictive compared to before... It takes a while for stuff to sink in :E
it will start out simpel:

the first beta will include:

one map (i know i can do that)
one spell (modified gravity gun)
one character moddle (reskinned alyx)
one style of play (god old dethmatch)
som medeval props and texture (shoulden't be to hard)

and thats it, i will releas it as soon as its playable.
and its first then the fun begin, i can just keep on adding new spells, maps and moddles ass i wish. i will probably also involve other ppl in the project.

i have have no ilutions: i know it will be alot of work, but i think it is well whitin my grasp.
exoeight said:
how does a thread like this get so many replies?
because it's refreshing to see someone saying "Hello, I'm doing this, just wanted to tell you" rather than "hey i haev mod ieda plz join tema kthx"
Sounds like a good mod if you ask me, probably the hardest bit will be making the spel thing (modifing the grav gun). Cant wait for a playable version.
The hardest part being the Gravity Gun? *laughs* At its simplest, all you need is a model replacement.

Then again, getting the Grav Gun to work in the HL2 Bare Bones DM code thing you're provided with is difficult.

-Angry Lawyer
yes the hardest thing will certanly be coding since that is the thing i have least experinence with.

as for the gravity gun replasement, i don't realy need a new moddle, in beta 0.1 i think i'll just remove the old one.

i can worry fancy things like weapon moddles later. i dont realy need them for the mod to work.
i didn't see any rules agenst bumping, so i took the liberty.
we got media:


curently working on this tavern map, about 30%finished. as soon as its mor or less playable i will start coding.