MOD concept, GTA inspired



a fast paced deathmatch mod for halflife 2 inspired by Grand Theft Auto

- focus features

- ability to drive cars

- ability to switch to 3rd person view

- ability to choose your own arsenal from a given list.

- ability to use " stunt " keys, for example - dive sideways, back, or frontwards ect.

- other features

- tons of weapons to choose from

- each weapon will have 2 hold modes, and depending on the weapon, alternative fire methods

- goal to have at least 8 - 12 vehicles.

- large maps

- team deathmatch, with alternative gameplay modes

- the vision

to be able to balance vehicles, the weapons, and to create a GTA feel, with well made urban maps, models and overall fun game experience.

interested in creating or making a mod like this, email me up

[email protected]
why don't you just play gta and be happy? its already made.
it would a deathmatch mod, like action halflife or even the specialist but u would be able to drive cars, k its not a remake of GTA it is somewhat similuar because it would be city/ cars weapons.

some reason i think u guys think its a GTA source or some crap. nope it just reminds me of gta... its only a concept so who gives a shit i just think its a cool idear, guess uguys dont
obviously you and anyone who actually took time to respond 'gives a shit'. if you think we just respond to be a pain in the ass, you are definitly mistaken. We mean to help you out. Sometimes people get so caught up in an idea(not saying you are) that they don't see why it wouldn't work or why its not so grand after all. We( at least I ), just try to keep people from doing this as it wastes time and talent. If you think its a cool idea, develope it more and find ways to make it look like something other than GTA: source. Because right now, it does. Just saying thats not what it is isn't sufficent, you must convince us it isn't, you have to say why its so great. If you can't thats when you know its not.

edit: oh yeah, and if you don't want people thinking you're making gta:source, don't say the mod is "gta inspired" even if it is.
Not to be cynical, but yeah, good luck with that.