Mod idea, but is it possible?


Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
How about a SP mod where you can rewind the gameplay?

Losing a battle badly? See you could've gotten a better position half-way through the fight? Then rewind time, and give yourself a better chance. If you think of all the cool stuff you could do with a storyline or the gameplay, using this, you'll start to like it too!

However, would it possible?
You mean, like Prince of Persia? :)

I suppose you could always make a game where you could save what you were doing, then go back to it at any time.. oh wait, thats been done ;)


naa but seriously though, seems a bit silly, more a gimmic than a mod idea. Can't just have that and nothing else, be a bit boring.
Yep, rips off prince of persia too much.
im not exaggerating, but most ideas are possible

it's just how much work it takes to do it

my mod has a bunch of wild ideas, but a lot of them likely wont happen because of how much coding and work has to be put to get them to work

is it worth it, and will it work is the only thing to be thought about
Well, I've been thinking about more ideas that I'd like to see, and one of those is a Containment Mod.

How about a co-operative 1 team style match, where the objective is to contain masses (100+) of zombies or something else, by all means possible for a certain amount of time, say 20 minutes. With all the capabilities of Source, you could add in all sorts of neat features that'd stop it from being just shoot to kill. For example, you could shoot the roofing down off of one of the zombie spawn points, and destroy it, to slow the hoarde down, or maybe build a barricade.

The AI zombies would have to try and overpower the containment team, by killing them. Of course, respawns for the containment team would have to be limited, but it'd still be interesting, as people would have to support each other properly, rather than covering their own back.
Kangy said:
Well, I've been thinking about more ideas that I'd like to see, and one of those is a Containment Mod.

How about a co-operative 1 team style match, where the objective is to contain masses (100+) of zombies or something else, by all means possible for a certain amount of time, say 20 minutes. With all the capabilities of Source, you could add in all sorts of neat features that'd stop it from being just shoot to kill. For example, you could shoot the roofing down off of one of the zombie spawn points, and destroy it, to slow the hoarde down, or maybe build a barricade.

The AI zombies would have to try and overpower the containment team, by killing them. Of course, respawns for the containment team would have to be limited, but it'd still be interesting, as people would have to support each other properly, rather than covering their own back.

Nice idea, but what did this have to do with rewinding time?! ^_^
Though I must admit, it'd be an awesome mod to go back and forth in time, sort of a "Prisoner of Azkaban" thing.
add a replay of last 30 secs thing in it like GTA III and save every info every second.
I have thought about that containment thing(thanks to all the Starcraft maps that pit you against a huge hoarde), but I think since it is pretty simple it could work as a map, not a mod (or a gametype in a mod, there is only so much you can do with this type of map). You would make the scenery all nice and dark, and then place a simple house with multiple openings and roof access. There is only one of each weapon, and each player is randomly given one. The person with the shotgun would want to guard the door, while the man with the long range rifle would want the roof to pick off the zombies, and the rest take the many windows.

The hoarde is unlimited, like your idea, but, once the 20 minutes pass, a vehicle comes to rescue, but it can't get to your position. So, you have to make a run, with the strongest waves of the hoarde spawning, as you race to the vehicle (could be armored jeep, heli with retractable ladder, etc.)