mod idea :D


Jul 11, 2003
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when halflife2 comes out, it would be great if a small team of modders remade the halflife1 single player with the new engine.

the puzzles could be slightly different and some parts could be changed to allow for new movement and whatever, but i think it would be great.

HL1 was a great SP experience, but small things like crappy teammate AI and dumb physics (box puzzles >=[ ) were annoying.

also, it would look a lot better :D

and it would be pretty easy seeing as many of the characters from HL1 are in HL2. gman, gordon, scientists, barney, and many enemies (bullsquid, alien slave, barnacle)

i might do something like this, but i dont know how to edit anything with the HL2 engine (or HL1 for that matter). all i know how to do is unreal stuff.

this is a good idea :afro:
hey no flaming or nothing but its been thought of 1 milions times and if you would of done a search b4 your post i think you would of found 9 threads just like yours. but hey uhh.... nice idea?
I would love to have a bash at this exact idea, if a team was to be set up, sadly my abbilties are limited to coding and limited map making..

I dunno, Is anyone out there serious about starting somthing?

Edit: Yeh I know this has been posted a million times lol, But I would be prepared to consider this seriously.
I'm pretty sure a team will make the HL1 sp into HL2.
Didnt valve say they made HL1 for the source?

Anyways box puzzles were annoying some times, i remember in the game where you were supposed to get back on the transit line and to get to the cart you had to shove some transport with girders which you could walk on and then jump on the train.

Unforunately i mostly always throwed it over the edge either by trying to get it up there and forgot about aim, or when i accidently pressed the "Use" key which usually puts it a couple of yards in the direct your facing.
That was opposing force right? But the was an invisible barrier to stop it flying off the ledge.
Will they still have duckjump left like in HL?
i dont remember many box puzzles in HL and I think that box puzzle fisker metioned was in opfor
Man, hl1 with the source would be so sweet, but it wouldnt be as good as good ol' quake 1 engine hl. I think that if this mod is done, it should be done for the ol' blue shift and opfor too.
1.) There are a million posts like this
2.) I'm already very interested in leading the project, as soon as I get permission I'll start it
3.) There IS a modding board
I'm interested in doing all 3 titles.
There goes my chance to work on it then. Sigh
It wouldn't really RUIN the old game, it'd open a whole new bunch of possibilities. Not to mention a whole bunch of diversity and actual dialog you don't need to hear, like Grunts chatting while their guard is down, or scientists talking to eachother in the lounge. Not to mention it would truly make Half-Life what it was meant to be, VERY scary.
Hey come on man, HL1 is history now, Its time to talk about HL2.

HL2 has many modern stuff such as new weapons, physics, ggraphics, gameplay, special multiplayer.....etc.

gabe did say they made porting bsps as painless as possible, so itll be easier than normal.