MOD IDEA! Melee Mod.



I searched the forums and didnt find anyone posting anything like this so i decided if enough people like the idea and would like to help then we'll start the mod.

My mod idea is based in the future, and is basically gladiator arena in the year... i dunno when aliens come 2500 :)P). There would be classes of characters - heavy, medium, light. each char. has its own unique weapon, and multiple other weapons... each char would have a characteristic about it makeing it special - a special attack, power, mobility trick etc...

I've been wanting to do something like this except i dont have the skills for it, or the manpower. So! please express your ideas and opinions...!

I think there are several mods already doing stuff like this. Why dont you look at, or something. Maybe you can join a team already doing something like this?
I hope it's a singlerplayer mod. Cause source's network code + melee aren't a good mix...
Isn't the "Brawl mod" doing this?

But yeah, client prediction could cause the melee to be a bit...naff. Would take a lot of talent to fix.

-Angry Lawyer
BRAWL mod is more of wrestling, etc. im talkin about an actual MELEE game... as in knifes etc... based in the FUTURE! where aliens that walk on 4 limbs and have little annoying mutants on their backs! like an ACTAUL MELEEE GAME... not fighter
"client prediction could cause the melee to be a bit...naff." btw what does that mean... client prediction...
Play BG2, on your screen it looks like you hit, the server says, hell no you didn't.

You see decals, and your enemies face is redder than a tomato, but no damage comes, then other times you swing your bayonet way too far away and headshot, even though you weren't anywhere close.

They have this in CS, a whole movie about it, you should go look it up, I just know that it's a communication between server and player, problem.