Modding Ideas


Aug 28, 2003
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Well since i am not very good at modding im just going to throw some cool ideas out, hoping that in the future some modders might make use of them. FEEL FREE TO ADD YOUR OWN IDEAS TO SHARE.

1. my first idea was a more complex "hit" system, so for example if you get shot in the head,neck,heart its instant death. If you get shot in the liver, you WILL die but slow and a "darker" blood will emit from the wound. All other body shots can be "healed" by a medic pack, if bought.

2.If possible, throwing knives get implemented.. ive always wanted to sneak up on somone, and at the last second they turn around you throw a knife into their neck... kinda gruesome.. but its only a game.

3.Mod based on bank robberies/escape ie:the movie HEAT.
-Starts off the robbers spawn in front of the bank(s) and they have to go in break the vault (depeding what your armaments are, as bought at start of the round) and steal the money.. then you have to get out to the extraction point which could be a car, garage, etc.. Now the swat/police objective is to hurry from their spawn point ie:police station, and they have to make it to the bank and stop them from escaping (if time setup defences). *once your dead you wait until next round*
*thot this would make a neat mod*

4.Mod based on "mad max", where both teams are outlaws/renegades in the desert, One team has to defend the flag inside a broken rundown city with trashed busses, old airplanes etc... the other team has to break through the defences with there "makeshift buggies and trucks" and whatever was purchased at beginning of round. Flag must be held for at least 15 seconds. * respawn every 30 seconds to keep flow.*
Ive also wanted realistic throwing knives for a long time.
I am going to make a Ghost Recon MOD. It will rock. Realistic Army warfare with physics and graphics owning all.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
I am going to make a Ghost Recon MOD. It will rock. Realistic Army warfare with physics and graphics owning all.

make sure guns are actually visible.
weird I coulda sworn I replied to this thread, where's me post gone :(
Originally posted by Fenric1138
weird I coulda sworn I replied to this thread, where's me post gone :(

The Forum Goblins ate it.
I want to tell you my idea for a mod....its actually a single player thing i thought up that would go along with hl's story.

But its kinda long and complicated (what I have so far). And Im not even sure If everything would be technicly possible.....for my limited (non existant) programing experiance. I just hope its easy to script things.

If you guys really want to hear what I've got tell me.... Im not gonna write it out if no one really wants to hear.
The quick overview of it is, me (yeah thats egotistical) and my friends are coming back from a concert....things happen...scary stuff....and when we wake up in the morning we find things have changed alot!
Basicly me and my friends dealing with the start of the alien take over. you dont want me to rattle off all the crazy ideas I've had? Come on! They're crazy!

Actually I haven't worked on the story for a wile. Im having a hard time thinking of how I want it to play out since Im not sure what kind of things I'll be able to get into the game. Like some kind of in game map with a waypoint system ( i mean like a full screen map you can bring up) Since basicly I want to recreate my town (in a destroyed state) I want to have some kind of waypoint system for a sense of direction. I dont really want any tight packed coradors dictating where you go. I'd like it to be more like GTA where you know where you need to get, but you have more than one way to get there, leading you to run into different things on the way.

Just an idea.
Originally posted by Fender357 you dont want me to rattle off all the crazy ideas I've had? Come on! They're crazy!

Actually I haven't worked on the story for a wile. Im having a hard time thinking of how I want it to play out since Im not sure what kind of things I'll be able to get into the game. Like some kind of in game map with a waypoint system ( i mean like a full screen map you can bring up) Since basicly I want to recreate my town (in a destroyed state) I want to have some kind of waypoint system for a sense of direction. I dont really want any tight packed coradors dictating where you go. I'd like it to be more like GTA where you know where you need to get, but you have more than one way to get there, leading you to run into different things on the way.

Just an idea.

I think it would be possible to do that. There's a guy in another thread planning on doing large islands, lots of detail and by the sounds of it no linear movement, you go where you please or thats what it sounds like he's wanting, using the tricks in the source engine and making everything smaller he should be able to create a good large map that doesn't choke the system. I can totally understand you wanting to recreate your town, its been something I've always thought would be great fun to do. I live up in Leeds (UK) and there's like a bit of everything here, old style estates, fancy new ones, and the town itself could almost be City 17. I think we even had the horse on a pole thing from the Strider clip on the E3 vid, until some prat in an office decided to change all that area. Sheffield could be a good city to model too, thats probably even more like City 17, with the tram thing everywhere, lots of bridges and places to snipe from

In Counter Strike there is a map of sorts available, atleast I've seen one while watching a game once with HLTV, so if it can be done in HL1 I'm sure it can be done in HL2, even had picture in picture which I thought was pretty cool
Your town sounds really cool Fenric. I live in Anaheim California. Where I live is mostly residential area with some large appartment complexes and alot of houses. There is also nearby run down industial parts of Anaheim.

But the other thing that I would REALY love to create from my town would be DISNEYLAND!!! I live about 2 miles from Disneyland. The only problem with that might be that they'd get really pissed and sue me.
But so what!? Running around Disneyland running away from Striders and the Combine.

One other thing I wanted to do with my little "game", was to put in really awsome music for my fight scenes. Like this one song that was in Boondock Saints....if you can try and download it...its called White Rapids.
Another song I want is actually a guitar solo, you REALLY have to dl this song. Its by a guy from a band called Dream Theater. The name of the file on Kazaa is

John Petrucci - Guitar Solo(Live from Dream Theatre).mp3

Please download it, it is amazing. The part of the solo I want is at exactly 2:01 and ends at 3:41. Thats a good amount of time for killn' and rockn'.

Download those songs now. You will be happer because of it.

(the solo also has that Italian song and the flight of the bumble bee...all on guitar) :)
I dunno about downloading that stuff, I don't use Kazza, can't stand P2P software, known too many people end up with a sh*t load of viruses for their trouble, so I prefer to avoid them, thanks anyway though :)

oh and disneyland meets the combine lol, combineland heh that could be very funny to see. Most obvious part of it I imagine would be the citadel instead of the castle in the middle huh :) hmm, have a few rabid micky mice running about haha its got lawsuit written all over it, but it would be fun to play before it was wiped from the net forever :D

Anaheim sounds like it could make some fun maps, variation of styles and area's. Would be a good project. The Disneyland one is funny though, you gotta do that one man :)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Most obvious part of it I imagine would be the citadel instead of the castle in the middle huh :)

I hadn't thought of that! That does sound really cool!

All last night I was trying to get it so I could post that cool solo....but Im having alot of trouble with the audio editor im using. For some reason if I save it as an mp3 it wont save anything. And you cant post wma. files here, and the wav. file is WAY to huge to post.

And I cant zip it because my zip program makes them into rar. files :(
Originally posted by genocide604

After Gordon, a G.I., Barney, the G-man, an alien... imagine a mod where you are... the CROWBAR !
Yehaawww, and when somebody hits something with you, you'll get EXP and can upgrade attributes like "length" and you can get special skills like "extra spike" or "exploding bash"... andit would be co-op, so a gordon could wield you and play the whole game with you as his crowbar :)... hmm story would be like... you start lieing in some sort of box full of junk, a guy comes and picks you up and then starts running around, breaking stuff with you and when he gets killed, someone else picks you up... and so on...

Welll... while we are at it, why not make a game where you are the guy that is always standing behind the hero, holding a camera over his shoulders and carrying his pile-o-weapons (realoding them for him) and handing him the correct one... :)

--- getting back to serious mode ---

CO-OP: Why has never ever somebody tried to implement *atmospheric* coop, e.g. implementing the respawn feature in the gameplay (like beaming the almost dead player out of harms way and ater patching him ups ending him back to his comrades?) and including the thrill of a team, trying to hold a position while one of the players runs like hell for the button to rescue them all? Even those darn jumping sequences could be realised using some kind of rope system, where the players are tied together, so if someone falls, they could pull him back up?...
Originally posted by Konfuzzyus
Welll... while we are at it, why not make a game where you are the guy that is always standing behind the hero, holding a camera over his shoulders and carrying his pile-o-weapons (realoding them for him) and handing him the correct one... :)

a HL mod as the film crew on HL1 the game.. the discovery that Black Mesa is infact a backlot at Universal Studios, and Xen is a poorly constructed set on a soundstage in Shepperton surrounded by green screen,

and Gordon doesn't make those jumps, its all done with wires and stunt men while he sits in his trailer whimpering about his lack of lines and why Walter got paid more.

and where you see the gman, real name Simon Barry, a proper royal shakespear trained AcT-ooor, who is rather fond of the buff young runners.

Feel the excitement as the spectacular pitworm turns out to be nothing more than a Jim Henson puppet with Frank Oz on the side doing its voice.

Explode with amazement as Doris the tea lady gets a part as one of the Alien Grunts because of a sudden case of food poisoning.

Climb up the walls as you find out the entire Marine and Black Ops cast are infact as bend as a nine bit bob that was placed on a railway track and bent a lot.

Run for your life as the lame home made cable channel's send inexperienced reporters to interview you with the same old tired question of "whats with the pony tail Gordon".

Gasp then hide as the Director Gabe runs around on set with his shotgun when the crates don't smash correctly.

Laugh until your sides hurt as your taken on a tour of the creature shop and see just what those headcrabs were going to look like only a week before shooting

Look on in shock as you learn the real reason why Gina was pulled from production only moments before the camera rolled. Was it drug related, or was that rumor about her and Alien Slave actor #4 in the research lab set true?

Chuckle at the audition tapes and see a young Anthony Hopkins going for the part of Gman, and Dustin Hoffman as Barney

Find out why taping lots of cows together created the illusion of Big Moma

And who really did make them wear those ties?

Of course, who can forget those brilliant outtakes. The Garg that fluffed its line. The door that just wouldn't open. The grenade explosion that shock the wobbly set. That fabled scene just caught on camera where one of the Alien Slaves rushing through the door hit his head, previously only seen in widescreen. And lastly, the memorable Kermit the frog joke appearance from the CG guys as Gordon thinks he's about to meet the big bad Xen boss.

All this now available, only on Betamax for $13.95
Originally posted by |Cross21|
My post missing... WEIRD. Idea Stealling?? gyah.

the mods must be erasing memories too then cause I don't remember the post your talking about :P