model bounding box compile problems



Ok, I know that the bounding boxes for a model need to be concave (and a cylinder regardless of how many sides it has is a concave object). So when I export my 12 sided cylinder as a bounding box, the studiomdl compiler 'optimizes' it so it's a 4-sided rectangle. Is there any way of preventing it from doing this?
Here's a picture to illustrate my problem.

welp, just out of curiosity, y do u need it to be a cylinder?
also, it's a collision mesh/model/whatever, not bounding box, bounding box is just the sizes/coordinates of the outermost vertices in the xy&z directions of a model. and i thot studiocompiler assumed it to be convex unless you specified concave..? (that one on the left is convex, not concave) did you assign a smoothing group to the collision model, set as editable mesh, and assign all verts to a bone? (i think you also have to apply a material)
First off, don't make the collision model such high detail. It's because it isn't viewable ingame that it doesn't need to calculate it, make it 5 or 6 sides.
Your problem with compiling is simple, you need to place all the polies into one smooth group, you don't do that. Then it will work
right sorry, the cylinder is convex, not concave. My question is why is studiomdl optimizing it to 4 sides instead of 12. The reason i want it to be 12 is so that it will roll properly. It's not rolling properly as a 4-sided "cylinder".
Right, I just got a reply from someone at Valve.


i think the problem is its too small. the physics boxes can only be so detailed.. and since its a shotgun shell im guessing its arond an inch,.... it doesnt allow for this. if you had a bigger shotgun shell then it'd work ok,.
lemm eknow if that helps"

And he's right.. I scaled up my shotgun shell by 10x and it didn't optimize the collision box.
just a question why is there like 3000 extra polies on the cylinder it doesnt seem necessary for like a shotgun shell or w/e it is.
mikeandike22 said:
just a question why is there like 3000 extra polies on the cylinder it doesnt seem necessary for like a shotgun shell or w/e it is.

What's necessary is all up to a matter of preference.. And 3000 is a bit of a hyperbole don't you think? It's a 200 polygon shell casing and it's the FIRST LOD stage for the model. The shell casings in my mod are get very close to the screen and it's obvious when they aren't round and since they're only on the screen for a fraction of a second, the 1st stage LOD only gets rendered for that short duration. On the ground, they switch to the "regular" 6 sided cylinder deal.
u can make it look perfectly round without like 30 edged on the top though just stating my opinion cuz ppl always yell at me for optimizing...but usually those ppl arent good at modeling so i dont care.
ah ok, thanks for the advice..
it's only 15 edged on the top though :) I guess it looks smooth because i saved the pic to a .jpg and it tends to anti-alias the edges more when i set the compression of the .jpg to 70%
cuz ppl always yell at me for optimizing...but usually those ppl arent good at modeling so i dont care.

ive told you. save it for the therepy classes