Model help

Jun 13, 2003
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Okay so anyone who has tried to make a HMG or LMG has come to the realization that it's damn near impossible to make them low poly. My question is looking at the render and the wireframe is there anything i can do to cut the polycount down. The PC is 2500+- in Editable mesh.



sorry about the crap of the pics digitalpose sucks.
Could I get close up of the following part (view attachment).

I think that's your main problem area, because the rest looks nice and low poly.
Arrgghh, pressed the reply button to soon by accident... here's the attachment
FN MAG :D I love firing that weapon!

I can't offer any advice from a modeling point of view, but some constructive criticism about the weapon itself.

Also, when you have the belt of ammunition on it, that will add a lot of polys.
I'll get that render for you NEO later i'm feeling lazy right now :) and the ammod belt depends on where the gun is positioned in the 1st person view. so many variables i can't wait till valve gives us more info.
Ya know Hiro this a tough one. I think it'd be easier to do it below HL2 levels lol. But once you start adding details it's hard to decide what to put in, what to leave out.

I keep thinking I wanna do a M249 but once I load up that ref. pic I'm like ugh...
it would be so easy to just do it at 1500 polys and let the rest be skinned but ohh no Valve HAD to raise the bar. Damnit. the thing that boggles my mind is i did a m249 for a BF1942 mod and it was half the polys and at the time didn't seem any less detailed. Course now that i'm doing higher poly i look at the low poly m249 and i shudder. I curse you valve for upping the ante so to speak.