Model issues...

Mr. Waffles

Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, i dont get it, on some maps, the models are perfectly fine..but on some maps, they turn greenish red and its really annoying....... heres some pictures:




What wrong? I have an nVidia GeForce 4 MX with the graphics on medium. I tryed putting them all to low, and changed screen resolution, but no change......what is wrong?
To be honest, it plainly seems that one of the servers you play on has a plugin installed that allow players to 'glow' a certain colour. This funny option has been around since Half-Life 1 Deathmatch, and it's nothing to be concerned about.
But I do find the first screenshot odd, it looks as if your video card is overheating (and thus producing weird 'artifacts', as they call it). Do the weird colours (first pic) move? Or are they static? It might just be a custom player model someone is using. (Those colours are often used as camouflage in an urban environment)
no, its not the card, in some maps its normal and in others it isnt on the same server.......and they are not really "moving" but they change positions as they person moves like it will turn colors more
I assume you've checked to make sure you have the most recent drivers for your video card?