Model Not Showing In Model Viewer Properly


Aug 28, 2004
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I've made a simple sign model I wamt to use in my map. It's a static_prop and has a collision model. I made it in 3dsmax, exported using a SMD exporter then made a .qc file and compiled it with studiomdl.exe. This all worked fine.

I've made textures (made into vtf's with vmt's) which are in the correct directory. When I view the model in Model Viewer, it won't show thre model in Textured, Flatshaded and Smoothshaded mode. Wireframe and BoneWeights both seem to work.


Textured (just displays whatever the background colour is)

If the textures didin't work you get that purple checker board but I don't ever get that. The model also loads in Hammer but the UV co-ords are screwed up.

Hammer View

I've exported a model before using this method and it displayed the checker board texture because the textures. I'm thinking it might be the exporter but I don't know.
sounds like a model problem rather than a texture one. but make sure you are using "VertexLitGeneric" in your vmt and not "LightMappedGeneric". also check you have the line "$model" 1 in there too.

if i were you i would try importing your max model into milkshape and using the smd exporters from there. thats how i do it(altho my models come from lightwave).

if you still get problems post your vmt and qc files for me to see nd il look for any probs in them.
Ah, I had it as "LightMappedGeneric". It's now working now, Thanks! :D
on the subject, does anyone know any good tutorials for 3Ds models to .mdl

ive got my .smd plugin, all that works fine, I understand the basics of the .qc file. but all I can find are milkshape and XSI related tutorials, nothing related directley from 3Ds to .mdl.. anyone?
i use lightwave and i just import my models to milkshape to do all the exporting. you could do the same with 3ds.
yes i find it easier to do the exporting stuff in milkshape. but modelling is definately reserved for expensive packages :)