Model problem


Feb 16, 2005
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I tried making a skin for half-life 2 and ended up getting a problem. I didn't change the resolution or size of the texture in any way, i mainly changed the texture colour and saturation.

The material hasn't changed but on the model there is black all over Alyx's neck, should, shoes and under her neck.

If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.

you didn't decompiled and recompiled her did you ?
No i just changed the skin texture and that's it.
You only edited the VTF right?
If so did you go over and parts which might have been used as someting else?
I scanned the texture using my own method of using different colored blocks, it it turned out the black is on the skin texture. But it's turned black for some odd reason.
send me the texture and i'll check it, I might have an idea but can't be sure about it...
2 heads can do more then 1 ;)
okey I checked it and this is what turns out with me when I tried it

nothing wrong... btw like the new color of her clothes ;)
check out if anyone else got these problems aswell elsewise I wouldn't change it if I were you
There is a small black spot on the right side of her neck. don't know if that would be because of the picture but i'll see if anyone else gets the problem.
Thanks anyways Tyron :)
it looks like theres a bit of flesh on her left hand dont know if thats part of the design because of the angle though.