Model Viewer


May 15, 2003
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Hey guys, i know there is program out that that lets you view 3D models (.3ds, .max, .mdl, I don't know some type) and let you rotate them around and stuff. Does anyone have a link to that?
Deep Exploration from Right Hemisphere is the best IMO. It's not free but it'll cover just about every popular format 3D/2D and allows you to save in the different formats with plenty of options. Though for Max files you'll need Max installed for it to work. It's unlikely to be able to recognise HL2's model format which I'm guessing is improved, what with all the physics n stuff. But their pretty speedy with downloadable plugins so that shouldn't be a problem once HL2 is out there.. In the meantime it works great with HL1 mdl files, and also lets you view the animation sequences. That pic of Gordon's ponytail I got from converting the mdl to lightwave
no no no, I need a standalone program that's free and it lets you rotate around a view. I don't need textures, lighting, anyhting, jsut to be able to rotate the view.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
no no no, I need a standalone program that's free and it lets you rotate around a view. I don't need textures, lighting, anyhting, jsut to be able to rotate the view.

yup it can do that, hang on I'll get you a screengrab (minus the directory listing it gives obviously :))

I'm pretty sure there's a demo too.. if its just viewing and nothing else then I imagine the demo will handle that

those icons (where it says solid) lets you pick how you want to display the object, textures, wireframe, vertex only, transparent, no textures and so on. grid can be turned on or off, can change the type of lighting too if you ever needed to

for the basic viewing of objects it'll be fine