Model Viewer


May 12, 2004
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I was wondering how you guys got to see your models and post pictures of them when your done. Because i made this gun and i can't show anybody cause i dont know how to make a poster or whatever.

Please gimme some info dudes. Thanks!
You mean a render? what 3d application are you working in?
yeah, its all down to what proggy you're using. things like Milkshape and GMax, you'll have to use Print Screen on yer keyboard. i dont know about others, but Max has a small button on the main toolbar which is a teapot. ( i know theres more thna one, but i cant remember which ones which atm :p )
With softimage it has a kewl little render system. I think you hold down ctrl + alt and drag out over a view port. I could be terribly wrong though. I would ask someone who uses the program. You can also press 4 on your keyboard... or is 3.... This will take you to the render pannel to your left. Dunno if this will help. I know how to use the program I just have never bothered to put it into practice.
I thought you hit q to toggle quick render (or render region)
It's not a full version of Softimage XSI, its Softimage XSI/EXP for half-life 2. No manual or anything. just tryin to learn it alittle.... alot.
There's oddles of online tutorials and info about that app. You can access it through xsi itself.