Modelers needed for Hell Blaze


Jul 6, 2003
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hey people, yet another cry for help with our mod Hell Blaze, this time its for modelers.

we have about 4, one of which is now unable to work full time, until the summer, and another who cant get Max to run on his computer. that leaves us with 2, me on weapons, and fishymumma from these forums, newly appointed as character modeler, who has little experience. we need modelers, almost any experience will do, aslong as you can model guns that look about as good as the others on our site. also, we could do with another character modeler, to help fushy out, seeing as hes not got so much experience. links below are to the site, forums, my email and simmo's email ( site manager and general helper outer ). not all of the media we have is on the site, but we have atleast two more guns finished behind the scenes, and a teaser / commercial on the production line.

Hell Blaze : clicky

Forums : clicky

My email : [email protected]
