Modeller A: Black Ribbon (Awesome flash)

That's freaky.
But I'm getting an odd pulsing noise in the background that hurts my brain. :O
yeah, the sound is more annoying than "cool" or whatever they were going for. fun to play with for a few minutes though. :bounce:
that is the most awsome web site I've ever seen.........................
wow that flash is too neat for someone like me... i am so tired and me anyways that i can spend hours looking at that. sigh isn't taht dpressing. blah yadad yaddayda ydada ydaad yadda HELLLLLLOOOOOOOO LA LA LA... :frown: sooooooo tiredddddd borrrrred weeeeeeeeeee..

cool flash

edit: so i'm staring at the screen and i might start drooling
\o/ wooo how's this for an embarararsing forumoment.

eidt: well thanks i missed my cartoon b/c of staring at that stupid ribbon :(