Models Black & Blue


Jul 14, 2004
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After making a map in Hammer, I compile it, and run it in Counter-Strike: Source, and my models, and all other models (hostages, and bottles laying on the floor) turn black, then when you approach them, they get sort of a blue glow...I checked to see if they were good BEFORE i run the map, and they looked fine.

Is there a setting that is messing up my map? It really bugs me to have to re-install the game everytime I compile and play my map...
Post your system specs, that'd probably help pinpoint the problem faster.
models black and blue

you have to put in a light....without a light it looks like the map has light, but it actually doesnt so the walls look fine, but the models r black, just add a light and it will be better...(i had this prob to) :p
bigg knife said:
you have to put in a light....without a light it looks like the map has light, but it actually doesnt so the walls look fine, but the models r black, just add a light and it will be better...(i had this prob to) :p

I did add a light. Its in the center of the map, and there is also a light_env as well...But still it messes up...

I have a P4 2.00 GHz mobo, 512 ram, geforce 4 mx 420..
I doubt your system specs matter in this situation. (Unless you started mapping for CS:S without playing either HL2 or CS:S at all, which I'm going to assume is very unlikely.) Are your VIS settings correct? In the orrignal Hammer (HL1 days) I would have problem with lighting because I either messed up the VIS path or somehow corrupted the file. (Still don't know how I did that one.) That's all I have to offer... I appologize if it was a waste of time.
As far as I know, all the settings are still the same. Hammer 2 came with the settings already set to their directory path, so I didn't need to do anything.
The monsters and guns models appear black in Hammer 4 and in the game, if my light is not working shall I see the models in Hammer 4.
Another question, when you create a zombie : New Entity / npc_zombie and configure but how do you put his texture, you browse through the zombue texture and then apply it?

Thank you !