modem problems

Fat Tony!

Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
I got a new 56k modem for my new computer, I slotted it in, installed the drivers pluged in the phone line and tried to connect and nothing happened but then i realised that i forgot to plug the other end of the line into one of those connector things which leads to another connector which is plugged into the main phone line. So i plugged it in and suddenly the phone started to continuously ring, when i pull it out it stops. This is annoying and me thinks I done something wrong :(. Help me!

My modem is : v.92 56k modem and it says PTI all over the case so im assuming it is the manufacturer. Its called a "PMI-IV56"
They still make/sell them things? lol

I think the wire you have is malfunctioning - if you leave it plugged into the wall and remove it from the modem does it still ring?

If so then your modem is faulty. If your PC is off and the wire is plugged in, does the phone still ring constantly?

If not, your drivers are probably the wrong ones or something.

And if it does, I guess your modem is broked.
This modem is new :(. I turn off the computer and the phone still rings so well if your right , my modem doesnt work. unless I slotted it into the port wrong or something but i think its ok. ;(
hah no, I cant use the modem you stuck in, with you losing the drivers and all. :P
OK double post time but Im not allowed to edit posts am I :rolleyes:, It appears that I can connect using the modem :D however I have to remember to pull out the phone :\.