Modern Day War Sim Looking for Re-Inforcements


Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Hello all,

National Crisis is coming to the end of it's initial designing stage of which the final product is a 30 - 40 page game design document detailing everything for National Crisis v1.0.

We are now seriously looking to hire talented, dedicated, hard working people to join our team. We are especially looking for modellers, but talented applications from all fields will be reviewed without immediate dismissal.

If you wish to apply, view the game design document or have any questions regarding the mod or the positions available then please contact us using any of the methods described on the website.

Thank you all

It looks like you are in need of a mapper. Since my mod has no longer been i ncontact with me for a month. I would love to help map for you. I am afraid there are no map I can show you because I am only learning Hammer. I am learning quckly though. I have mapped for Unreal Tournament and I look foward to mapping for HL2 and Far Cry. I might model, but all I have is XSI which I am learning.
Modellers are easy, you're just looking in all the wrong places. Drop by the forums of places like: and - I guarantee you will find at least one.
You have a very talented modeler called dataje$us, i know that... he's in my mod :)
I agree modelers are easy, we get overun with modeling applications. The really hard thing is skinners.
Ray Man - I'm definetly interested i'll send ova an email/PM. I map in ued 2 myself so if you have any maps you could send over that would be great

aliencraft - Thanks so much mate, I'm heading over there now :D

Majestic - He is but he's gone MIA - is he still active for your mod?

Incitatus - Don't know whteher this is 'poaching' but if you wanna send over any modellers to me then I'd be eternally greatful. I myself am a skinner and so for now I'm alright on the front :P

Thanks for the response as usual all!
sonofagun said:
Majestic - He is but he's gone MIA - is he still active for your mod?

Me and some other dudes is working on the site (which will be online veeerrry soon) so i havent talked to him.

I have the feeling he will come back soon :)
aliencraft! Your a genius! I just bagged myself 1 maybe 3 modellers!

Cheerz for the advice!
Yes, sonofagun. I am currently working on a map. I will send it to you when it is done. A few more weeks for the tweaking and testing.
Modellers I have to agree are the easiest :P Just really talented ones may be hard to come by... same goes for skinners.

Hardest I would say are coders and really good sound artists.
I bagged me a coder early on! But find a sound artist...I wouldn't know where to begin!