Modern Warfare Deathmatch // A Half Life 2 Deathmatch modification


May 1, 2005
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Hey I'm {*HollywooD*}. I'm not a member of this modification but I know the leader.

Modern Warfare Deathmatch​
Modern Warfare Deathmatch is a tatical third person deathmatch total conversion for Half Life 2 Deathmatch. Being a deathmatch modification there is no story to it.


Third Person View: Players will be seeing they're character from a third person perspective.

New Weapons: An extensive feature of weapons such as the m4a1, m16, ak-47, xm-8 and more.

New Player Models: A new array of character models, such as Navy Seals, SAS, Insurgents and more.

Highly Realistic Damage Physics: An incredible damage system resulting in 2-3 shot kills, depending ofcourse where the player is hit. 1 shot kill if hit in the neck, head or spine.

Breachable Walls and Bridges: Players will be able to breach certain walls and bridges with C4 explosives and possibally other devices.


Bomb: The two teams must race to get the bomb first. When a player picks up a bomb and is killed, the bomb is dropped and can be picked up by the opposing team. Win the round by planting the bomb at the opposing teams "base". The opposing team can defuse the bomb (No Respawn).

Team Deathmatch: Two teams are pitted against each other in a map. Each team must work together to eliminate the other in order to win (Respawn).

Deathmatch: All players are pitted against each other in a map. Players must eliminate each other in order to win (Respawn).

Hostage Rescue: The Navy Seals must rescue the hostages and bring them to safety in order to win. At least three hostages must be rescued. The Terriosts must eliminate the Navy Seals in order to win, the Navy Seals must NOT be allowed to rescue the hostages.

V.I.P. Escort: The Navy Seals must escort the 3 V.I.P.'s to the extration zone. At least 2 V.I.P.'s must be evacuated and/or the opposing team must be eliminated.


Modern Warfare Deathmatch is currently seeking talented people to fill the following positions:




(1)Sound Designer


IMPORTANT!: Two pieces of example work are needed if you are to apply to these positions.

We are currently desperatly seeking mappers, if your an experienced mapper or maybe you've just started out, please contact us. If your interested in the mod, please contact Swat at [email protected], or maybe if you need to talk about something with Swat, his MSN is the same as his email. Or if you don't have MSN and you have AIM, his AIM is SwatX546.

Expect a media update in the next two weeks
Let's all go play C-S! Let's all go play C-S! Na na na na, hey!
sounds cool... and no it doesn't sound exactly like CS, plus i like the idea of third person, it's not used enough

Where is the originality?
Eh Hem, In the end this mod will not relate to Counter Strike in anyway. I Can gurrantee you that.

And as your picture just loaded, I must say SOME of the ideas came from socom 2. The only part that has to do with navy seals in this mod, is the player model and thats still being decided.
Except, of course, the game modes, the weapons, the setting, and most of the gameplay mechanics.
I said "In The End"
Which means, by time the mod is finished it won't relate to counter strike
You can't just say that and expect us to believe it. Show us how it won't be like CS 'in the end'...
no offense, but this mod soudns EXACTLY like counter strike, except with a deathmatch option. hostage rescue, a slight variation on bomb gameplay, and perhaps a few different weapons... i doubt id play it, CSS fills that void already.
I'm terribly sorry, but this mod has been cancelled. I will contact Swat anyway, see if he'll want to continue.