Modifying .cpps


Jun 19, 2004
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Im using -Dev c++ thing.
I have little to no understanding of C++, but i assumed i could easily modify values etc.
I think you have to add all the *.cpp an .h into a project, but when i get to a certain amount i cant add anymore.
Do i need all the files to make any changes for a mod, or can i make additional DLLs which only contain what i have changed?

im just trying to change things, for example, the rate of fire of a gun.

Any help would be appreciated
thanks, but i still cant find the answers there. All the tutorials end with "compile it and run the game" asif its obvious how to compile it.
Well, they all assume you've got VC++ 2003. In which, you honestly only have to double click the project file to open it, and then press the 'compile and link' button.

-Angry Lawyer
hmm.. is there a free alternative?
I read it would work with the one i have (dev c++),
But there seems to be alimit on how many files i can add to a project.

Thanks anyway.