Anyone have any mod ideas?
One mod i would like to see is an alien vs predator mod for HL2, which would be really nice with the source engine and all.
You could have it so as a predator, when your invisible, you'll have to be careful where you tread cus you might knock something over, or even better, use that as a distraction (like scpt when grabbing necks with a partner
You could even have the aliens leave tiny claw decals from where they have been crawling across the walls or ceiling. And if a human barricades himself in a room with a cupboard or something, the alien could rip away at the wood really easily.
Anyways, what mods would you like to see?
One mod i would like to see is an alien vs predator mod for HL2, which would be really nice with the source engine and all.
You could have it so as a predator, when your invisible, you'll have to be careful where you tread cus you might knock something over, or even better, use that as a distraction (like scpt when grabbing necks with a partner
You could even have the aliens leave tiny claw decals from where they have been crawling across the walls or ceiling. And if a human barricades himself in a room with a cupboard or something, the alien could rip away at the wood really easily.
Anyways, what mods would you like to see?