Monolith rejects names. LOL

Knowing that the average developer consumes 15.3 lbs of snack food a week, several of our fans embraced the strategy of cleverly incorporating food products into their names. Salami Rocket, the Monolith Community Team's favorite, was followed up by the delightful description: "Because I think that meat-food-product stuffed into pig intestines and propelled by an explosion is really what Monolith is all about." When asked for a comment, Monolith's Community Manager said, "I can't speak for the entire company, but meat-food-product is certainly what the Community Team is all about." Here's the full grocery list of names:
P.I.E. (Paranormal Investigation Experts)
B.E.E.R. (Beasties! Even Ethereal Reptiles!)
Runny Eggs

Thanks for the link. :thumbs:
Sweet merciful jesus...

Those are utterly brilliant.
British Slang
The award for the best use of British Slang goes to Jason S. for his submission: Bloody Bunger. This submission captures the bloodiness of our game and incorporates the quaint Britishism, "bunger," which for all of our North American fans means "liar." Pip, pip, cheerio!

Thats news to me, it must be cockney slang
Haha, I ****ing lol'd at "deathscapade". I think I'm gonna take some of these down for future band names...
Haha, I ****ing lol'd at "deathscapade". I think I'm gonna take some of these down for future band names...

Lol. oh shit I didn't see that one. :D I'd buy a record from a band called Deathscapade without even knowing it's contents.

Tha's ****in great.
TITTLE: Girl of the Damned (If tittling doesn't strike fear into your heart you are inhuman)


An elite anti terrorism group: Bravery Under Terribly Trying Situations Exterminating Xtremists

Codename: B.U.T.T.S.E.X :p
Gardem of Lies
(Nothing like a nice stroll in one's gardem... of lies)