

Aug 20, 2003
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Sam Bell has a three year contract to work for Lunar Industries. For the contract's entire duration, he is the sole employee based at their lunar station. His primary job responsibility is to harvest and periodically rocket back to Earth supplies of helium-3, the current clean and abundant fuel used on Earth. There is no direct communication link available between the lunar station and Earth, so his only direct real-time interaction is with GERTY, the intelligent computer whose function is to attend to his day to day needs. With such little human contact and all of it indirect, he feels that three years is far too long to be so isolated; he knows he is beginning to hallucinate as the end of his three years approaches. All he wants is to return to Earth to be with his wife Tess and their infant daughter Eve, who was born just prior to his leaving for this job. With two weeks to go, he gets into an accident at one of the mechanical harvesters and is rendered unconscious. Injured, he awakens back at the station in the infirmary, he assumes assisted by GERTY. GERTY tells him that a rescue team named Eliza will come to the station to clean up the aftermath of the accident. After his recuperation, he takes an unauthorized trip back to the broken harvester, where he makes an unexpected discovery.

Has anyone seen this movie? If not, go watch it. Great movie, worth the watch.
I was incredibly excited when I saw the preview, but didn't know it came out already. I must see it.
There is no direct communication link available between the lunar station and Earth

*cough* bull shit *cough*
huh? Are you talking in the sense of the movie or reality?

No spoilers unless you put em in spoiler tags please.

Warped: Sci-fi Suspense is what I would call it.
I want to see this movie really bad. 2001-esque and Kevin Spacey = Qonfused is happy
Why? I've not seen the movie, but the base could be on the far side and thus reliant on satellites, no?

Oh I'm sure they are going to come up with some "plausible explanation" like the area where there's large Helium3 concentration is on the other side of the Moon, and the base is constructed there. All this just to find some reason to completely isolate the main character and have him develop paranoid delusions about the resident artificial intelligence.
Oh I'm sure they are going to come up with some "plausible explanation" like the area where there's large Helium3 concentration is on the other side of the Moon, and the base is constructed there. All this just to find some reason to completely isolate the main character and have him develop paranoid delusions about the resident artificial intelligence.

Well, maybe the Helium3 mining operations were based out of a big radio telescope site they established on the far side. Or maybe green movements back on Earth oppose the mining of the Earth side for aesthetic purposes. Really, it's not terribly far-fetched.
Or maybe Bigfoot ****ing sat on NASA's main operating building.

Honestly, people.
Oh I'm sure they are going to come up with some "plausible explanation" like the area where there's large Helium3 concentration is on the other side of the Moon, and the base is constructed there. All this just to find some reason to completely isolate the main character and have him develop paranoid delusions about the resident artificial intelligence.
I looked up this film on Wikipedia. The explaination given is the communications satelite they're supposed to be using is broken and he has to send signals to a Jupiter station to be relayed back to Earth in order to communicate.
I was going to see this when it first came out, but unfortunately, the theater was too far away to warrant my driving there and seeing it. Hope its popularity is boosted soon, most of the theaters near me aren't showing it.
If its directed by David Bowie's son than its got to be good. But I haven't seen it yet...

So for those that saw it already, which is better? Moon or Sunshine? Without spoiling anything.
What is this, limited release? The only theatre that has it is almost an hour away.
David Bowie got a son?

I thought he was gay....

Anyway I want to see Moon myself, but I'm feeling the cinema isn't the the place to see it, it seems like a movie you'd watch in your own.
FFS, why is it that when something looking good finally comes out it's a limited release or some shit? And it doesn't look like a movie that would only appeal to a small percentage of the general audience; it's not a low budget artsy movie with an unknown actor either.

It's not even going to be in cinemas in my country anytime soon (if ever). I wanted to see it on the big screen :|

The only movie I'm looking forward to is Public Enemies, which I'm planning to see on Friday. As for other movies, I can choose from Ice Age 3, Monsters vs Aliens or some romantic comedies which will be on TV in a few months. What the ****.
Oh I'm sure they are going to come up with some "plausible explanation" like the area where there's large Helium3 concentration is on the other side of the Moon, and the base is constructed there. All this just to find some reason to completely isolate the main character and have him develop paranoid delusions about the resident artificial intelligence.

You REALLY need to stop assuming things about the movie before you see it... you are 100% wrong. Seriously.

Also, I thought Moon was WAY better than sunshine. I thought Sunshine was good too, but to be honest they're different movies.

Sam Rockwell did a great job in this thing... as did Kevin Spacey. Also, I'd dare say they did the best robot I have seen in a while...
Hmm that synopsis reminds me of a short story I read somewhere.

I doubt I'll get to see this in the cinema now I'm back in NI without my lovely 18-screen darling handy.
I've been looking forward to this for ages, ever since the trailer came out. I'm a huge fan of Sam Rockwell. Who does Spacey play, the AI? If so that's going to be excellent. I'll probably wait for this one to go to DVD unless I can find it at one of the more artsy / indie movie theaters around here. From what I can tell it's a completely different sort of sci-fi movie from Sunshine despite how their names are evocative of one another.
I think it comes out in September here in the UK. =/

Duncan Jones should be a director to look out for the future.
It's a pretty good movie, so I wouldn't be surprised if it started getting more attention as more people see it. It'll definitely be in the independent theaters for a while, and you may find it at some of the bigger more mainstream theaters as well (that's where I saw it)

Kevin Spacey did a great job as the AI. Without giving too much away, the AI can be pretty humorous at times in the movie :)
****ing bastards... They're only showing this movie in Belfast in N.Ireland... Err... bah humbug!
Yeah Im gonna see it this Wednesday most likely. When I do, I shall post my thoughts.
welp, that settles it...i'll go watch it (only 5 minutes away suckas)
I'm going to have to wait until the 8th of October... Blimey!
I seen this a couple of days ago, it is really good. Go see it if you can :)
William Gibson:
My favorite sf on film usually consists of brief luminous moments in what are generally rather low-budget and often actually very bad movies. The outstanding big-budget exceptions of course being Alien and Blade Runner. Duncan Jones' Moon challenges my aesthetic of brilliant pebbles, though, because it's so tightly and consistently excellent. It does everything I want an sf film to do, and none of the things I don't want an sf film to do. How did *that* ever happen?

I'll check this out.