More Borealis Images *SPOILERS*


Nov 3, 2007
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Some miscellaneous Borealis pictures that I captured, if anyone is interested. Dial-up beware!


Bow to Stern Length^




Mossman's live broadcast^


Mossman's live broadcast II^


Mossman's broadcast aftermath^


Borealis interior on the right and exterior on the left^


An advisor outside of the silo during the same mission^


Borealis split by the ice texture^


Camera P.O.V.^
Nice screens, but they might not have anything to do with episode 3, yeh we KNOW the borielis is in it, but as we saw in episode 1, alot of things changed for ep2 like the hunter for example, in the transmission

EDIT: and i dont think where mossman was, was actually the borielis, its propablly a peice of the drydock or a facility near by
I agree, and nice pictures. The future will reveal HL2's mysterious storyline.
God I hated the Borealis in MI...I got as far as the stalkers...
Stalkers were quite difficult to hit :p I saw also a vids of Borealis and AirEx from leaked HL2 beta. But HL2 from beta was a different game...
Nice screens, but they might not have anything to do with episode 3, yeh we KNOW the borielis is in it, but as we saw in episode 1, alot of things changed for ep2 like the hunter for example, in the transmission

EDIT: and i dont think where mossman was, was actually the borielis, its propablly a peice of the drydock or a facility near by

Good point. I'm not sure if you've seen the hunter in the transmission from Episode Two, but it's there. It breaks the wall down to the left of Mossman. As for the changing, I'm sure it will, but the overall hull length seems consistent with other images I've seen.

I think that her location during the broadcast is questionable, but the windows are similar to that of the Borealis from Missing Information, if I'm not mistaken. Obviously, though, the walls of that structure are concrete.

Play missing information mod ;)

I'm torn on this one. I've thought about it.

Nothing new here really.

..not the point. Just showing some more of the Borealis from Episode Two that many people haven't seen.
Use 'Gmod Beta 2007' to view the rear end of the borealis which is invisible in these screenshots